Finally some good news! Finalmente buenas noticias (post bilingüe/bilingual post)
Tanya, our Spanish language editor, has just sold her first novel for english translation

Novedades de Julio
Tanya rounds up the Latino field with new books, magazines and happenings.

Novedades de Junio
Axxon magazine plans to reissue, and several new novels and collections have been released by Peruvian Presses

Some good news for Varley readers who were looking forward to a hardback IRONTOWN BLUES on your bookshelf. His agent, Christine Cohen, is working on getting a limited edition hardback. The best news: The hardback […]

Novedades de enero
Bolivian anthology series Supernova releases the third edition, Editorial Cthulhu has published his third anthology: “HORROR QUEER, Rosarium Publisher announces 2018 plans; magazines, events and more

Reseña de Libro: Mi Robot Depresivo de Carlos Vera Scamarone.
An ordered reading of two collections by author Carlos Vera Scamarone reveals a vast improvement in the author’s technique. Besides, how can you say no to a collection with the title My Depressive Robot?

Feliz Año con Novedades de Noviembre y Diciembre
A round up of publications, new issues and events.

Présentation de quelques small press
A presentation of three new small press publishers in France.

Novedades de Octubre
News of speculative fiction book publications, magazines and more of interest to Spanish speaking fans.

Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 6 edited by Alex Shvartsman
Unidentified Funny Objects, science fiction and fantasy’s first and only annual humor anthology series, is back for a sixth year with stories by Jim C. Hines, Mike Resnick, Alan Dean Foster, Jody Lynn Nye, Esther Friesner, Gini Koch, Ken Liu, Jack Campbell and more.

Novedades de agosto
New book releases, a television series, radio interviews and so much more!

Book Review: Hundred Ghost Soup by Robert Chansky
An unusual coming-of-age story infused with Chinese mythology and culture. Recommended for teens and adults who tire of the formulaic mold used for so many other coming-of-age novels.

“No busques una línea en nuestras colecciones más allá del atrevimiento”. Entrevista a la Editorial Café con Leche
An interview with the brains behind the Barcelona Speculative Fiction publishing house Café con Leche.

Novedades de Octubre y Noviembre en Hispanoamérica
Como la semana pasada “Computer said no” y no pude publicar mis novedades de octubre, pues ahora publico dos pájaros de un solo tiro. Aquí van Octubre Libros Órbita Juracán: Cuentos cubanos de ciencia ficción […]

Scide Splitters: It’s Just the Chronosphere Unfolding as it Should by Ira Nayman
Ira Nayman delivers the laughs in another humor packed installment of his Transdimensional Authority series.

Editoriales que Apuestan por la ciencia Ficción
Interviews with two new Spanish language speculative fiction publishers, featuring advice for new writers.

Poetry – Straight Away the Emptied World, L. Umansky
Leah Umansky’s Straight Away the Emptied World is something interesting and different with a literary flavor.
Les nouvelles small press
An overview of new small presses that publish in French that have been established since the beginning of 2015.

Top 10 Young Adult Books You Need To Read By Fall
Now that summer is winding down a bit, it’s time to start stocking up for winter reading – or – you’re TBR pile is just not tall enough!

Novedades de Marzo, Abril y Mayo
New releases and happenings in Chile, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and more

Poetry – Chemical Letters by Octavia Cade
Chemical Letters has been nominated for the 2016 Elgin Award for best poetry collection (of 2014/15)

Presentación de libro: El cerrojo del mundo está en Butteler de Néstor Darío Figueiras.
An interview with Nestor Dario Figueiras, author of the SF/F collection El cerrojo del mundo está en Butteler

Review – Zen of the Dead, ed. Lester Smith
This year’s Zen of the Dead includes more fiction than previous years

Poetry Review – Dawn of the Algorithm, Yann Rousselot
A motion poem and a crowd-funded publishing program.

Reseña de Libro: Cosmografía General de Laura Ponce
A review of Laura Ponce’s Cosmografía General

Poetry – The First Bite of the Apple, Jennifer Crow
Familiar stories made new, fresh and strange.
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