Book Cover: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Matt’s Reviews: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Publisher:                Macmillan Audio   Publication Year: 2014   Format:                 CD    Disks:                   10    ISBN-10:              1427243832    ISBN-13:              978-1427243836    Author:                Preston, Douglas    Read by:              Scott Sowers […]

Excerpt: Kiva, Issue 1

KIVA follows a courageous dog separated from his owner in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Issue 1 takes place on the eve of the disaster and hints at the savage reality to come. […]

Unexpected Questions with Gustavo Bondoni

Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over four hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and a Full Member of SFWA. He has […]

Free Stories!


AMAZING NEWS: NASFiC Dead Dog Party Edition: 7/21/24

Of Special Note Lloyd Penney (Amazing Stories Editor and his wife Yvonne (Uncredited Amazing Stories Editor) are doing duty in Buffalo this weekend and he sent along a shot of the Amazing Stories display in […]

Time Machine: July 21, 2024

AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: July 21, 2024 Reality and Artificial Intelligence Novedades de Junio 3 y 4 The Big Idea: R. B. Lemberg Matt’s Reviews: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu New Releases in Science […]

Robot Reading

Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Given the nature of the current artificial intelligence or AI landscape, any attempt to discuss the technology is like trying to describe an ocean wave racing towards you. You might posit that the wave’s amplitude […]


The Big Idea: Cherie Priest

  Burnout is a term those in the creative world tend to feel all too often. Author Cherie Priest was no exception to this common trend, but she’s here today to tell you of the […]

Robot Reading

Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Given the nature of the current artificial intelligence or AI landscape, any attempt to discuss the technology is like trying to describe an ocean wave racing towards you. You might posit that the wave’s amplitude […]

The Big Idea: R. B. Lemberg

Don’t let today’s Big Idea fly by you. Dive into author R. B. Lemberg’s Big Idea as they walk you through the construction of their newest novel, Yoke of Stars. R. B. LEMBERG: Two years ago, […]

The Big Idea: P.H. Low

There is the myth of being forever young — but what about the forever that comes after that? P.H. Low has given this some thought in These Deathless Shores, and in this Big Idea, is […]

Science Fiction

Book Cover: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Matt’s Reviews: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Publisher:                Macmillan Audio   Publication Year: 2014   Format:                 CD    Disks:                   10    ISBN-10:              1427243832    ISBN-13:              978-1427243836    Author:                Preston, Douglas    Read by:              Scott Sowers […]

Novedades de Junio 3 y 4

Con las debidas disculpas del caso. Primero estuve de voluntaria el la semana del orgullo gay y no tuve tiempo de escribir… a la semana siguiente estuve con una gripe terrible. Recién me estoy recuperando. […]

CLUBHOUSE: Review: Fusion Fragment Magazine #21

OBIR: Occasional Biased and Ignorant Reviews reflecting this reader’s opinion. FUSION FRAGMENT MAGAZINE #21 – May 2024. Publisher: Fusion Fragment, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Editor: Cavan Terrill Cover Art: by Abi Stevens Elizabeth Yu is a […]

Book Cover: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

Matt’s Reviews: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

  Publisher:              Science Fiction Book Club;   Publication Date:  1st edition (October 1, 2005)   Length:                  738 pages   ISBN-10:               1582881847   ISBN-13:               978-158288184   Author:                  Robert A. Heinlein Off The Main Sequence:The Other Science Fiction Stories of Robert A. Heinlein […]

CLUBHOUSE: Partial Guide to Canadian Indie Publishers

OBIR: Occasional Biased and Ignorant Reviews reflecting this reader’s opinion. PARTIAL GUIDE TO CANADIAN INDIE PUBLISHERS Why only a partial guide? Because it is entirely based on (most) of the Canadian publishers mentioned in my […]


Novedades de Junio 3 y 4

Con las debidas disculpas del caso. Primero estuve de voluntaria el la semana del orgullo gay y no tuve tiempo de escribir… a la semana siguiente estuve con una gripe terrible. Recién me estoy recuperando. […]

Book Cover: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Matt’s Reviews: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

   Publisher:                      Hesperus Press    Publication Date:         Reprint edition (2014)    Original Publication:  1872   Length:                          112 Pages   ISBN-10:                       1843914727   ISBN-13:                       978-1843914723 Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu is a classic gothic vampire story […]

Unexpected Questions with Markus Heitz

Markus Heitz: Wearing always black and silver rings as an Old-School-Goth (because, well, right, he is old), ironic and sarcastic and always working on the next project. The Manic-creative type. Full-time story inventor, studied history, occasional songwriter, radio […]

Book Cover: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

Matt’s Reviews: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

  Publisher:              Science Fiction Book Club;   Publication Date:  1st edition (October 1, 2005)   Length:                  738 pages   ISBN-10:               1582881847   ISBN-13:               978-158288184   Author:                  Robert A. Heinlein Off The Main Sequence:The Other Science Fiction Stories of Robert A. Heinlein […]


Robot Reading

Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Given the nature of the current artificial intelligence or AI landscape, any attempt to discuss the technology is like trying to describe an ocean wave racing towards you. You might posit that the wave’s amplitude […]

Book Cover: The Roots Of The Self by Robert Ornstein

Matt’s Reviews: The Roots Of The Self by Robert Ornstein

   Publisher:                HarperCollins    Publication Date:   January 1, 1993   Pages:                       248   ISBN-10:                   0062507885   ISBN-13:                   978-0062507884   Author:                     Robert Ornstein, Ph.D. The Roots of the Self by Robert Ornstein contains Dr. Ornstein’s thoughts […]

SpaceX Starship Test Flight 4

SpaceX successfully launched its fourth test of its Starship/Heavy Booster combination. Starship successfully reached orbital insertion and the heavy booster successfully performed its landing operations – boostback burn and landing burn – before dropping into […]

Book Cover: I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter

Matt’s Reviews: I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter

 Publisher:            BASIC BOOKS  Publication date: 07/08/2008  Copyright Date:   2007  Pages:                  436  ISBN-13:              978-0-465-03079-8  ISBN-10:              0-465-03079-3  Author:                Douglas Hofstadter I Am A Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter is the author’s attempt to explain his thoughts on […]

Book Cover: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

Matt’s Reviews: Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter

  Publisher:            Alfred A. Knopf   Publish Date:       1969   Copyright Date:   1962   Pages:                 434   Author:                 Richard Hofstadter   ISBN (The version I read from the library pre-dated ISBN, but a more recent edition):    ISBN13: 9780394703176    ISBN10: 0394703170 Anti-intellectualism […]