Novedades de Junio 3 y 4

Con las debidas disculpas del caso. Primero estuve de voluntaria el la semana del orgullo gay y no tuve tiempo de escribir… a la semana siguiente estuve con una gripe terrible. Recién me estoy recuperando. […]

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The Big Idea: R. B. Lemberg

Don’t let today’s Big Idea fly by you. Dive into author R. B. Lemberg’s Big Idea as they walk you through the construction of their newest novel, Yoke of Stars. R. B. LEMBERG: Two years ago, […]

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The Big Idea: P.H. Low

There is the myth of being forever young — but what about the forever that comes after that? P.H. Low has given this some thought in These Deathless Shores, and in this Big Idea, is […]

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The Big Idea: Chaz Brenchley

There once was a saying that “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire” — and in Mary Ellen, Craterean!, author Chaz Brenchley expands on that idea, with a whole new planet for the sun, […]

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The Big Idea: Rob Costello

Editor Rob Costello has a theory about monsters, and what they have in common with a segment of us who constantly find themselves under attack. It’s one compelling reason for the existence of We Mostly […]

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The Big Idea: Dan Rice

Inner demons: we have them! We (mostly) don’t love them! And in this Big Idea for The Wrath of Monsters, author Dan Rice looks at how these inner demons affect (and maybe even prey on) […]

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Novedades de Junio 2

OBITUARIO Lamento mucho comunicar la muerte de una figura importante de la ciencia ficción latinoamericana. Se trata de Don Antonio Mora Vélez, a quien puedo decir con orgullo, contaba entre mis amigos. En este enlace […]

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Novedades de Mayo 3.

LIBROS Sietch Ediciones ha iniciado la preventa del libro “Los Recolectores” de Aileen Pinto Riveros. Se trata de una Obra ganadora del Fondo de Cultura, línea Creación, convocatoria 2021. Pueden comprarlo aquí. Ha salido publicada […]

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Novedades de Junio 1

LIBROS El 8 de junio la Revista Máquina Combinatoria con el Grupo Editorial ONI y Editorial PUMAEDITORES, presentaron su primer libro de cuentos impreso: “Besar la muerte, antología del cuento ecuatoriano sobre el mal”. Esto […]

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Novedades de Mayo 2

LIBROS Ayi Turzi se encuentra realizando una preventa del libro “Insólito y Fantástico. El otro cine Argentino” a precio especial hasta el 10 de junio. Se trata de una investigación sobre cine argentino de géneros […]

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The Big Idea: Laura R. Samotin

For The Sins On Their Bones, author Laura R. Samotin was challenged to do several tricky things at once in order to make the whole story work. And how were these things tricky things accomplished? […]

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This week I review two films, both dealing with arthropods, namely arachnids. (Well, one’s an arachnid, the other appears to be). Both movies include jump scares, and both are pretty darned good, if somewhat predictable. If you like that kind of film, these two are for you!

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The Big Idea: Shannon Page

For the Nightcraft series of books, of which The Empress and the Moon is a part, Shannon Page delved into a branch of arcana that eventually became the heart of her writing. Read on to […]

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The Big Idea: John Wiswell

“Normal” looks different on everyone. This can be especially true if you happen to be a shapeshifter. Come along with author John Wiswell as he shows you what normality is for the main character of […]

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Novedades de Mayo 1

LIBROS El 8 de mayo se presentó el libro « Otras formas de ser humano. Antología del Premio OEI de cuentos sobre ciencia ficción y tecnología » (Compañía Naviera Limitada Editores). El evento se llevó a cabo […]

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