Stages of Growth

In “Stages of Growth,” the poet imagines the different stages a sentient species goes through as it (hopefully) survives and evolves into cosmic awareness. Stages of Growth 1 Filling the pit of endless want Tech […]

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Masefield Prospect

One of the joys of Science Fiction Haiku is the ability to imagine a world where seasons last thousands of years. Masefield Prospect smart seeds glittering a cloud around a comet building Dyson trees by […]

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Temple of the Capybara

It is said the meek shall inherit the earth. But what if the earth ends up not being the earth we had hoped, and the meek end up not being who we thought they would […]

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Novedades de Marzo

Con las debidas disculpas del caso. Les entrego las novedades del mes pasado. LIBROS Nuestro blogger, Iván Prado Sejas, ha publicado el libro “Operación Ruphay Kutimun: La Liberación de Prometeo”. Pueden comprarlo en Amazon. Casa […]

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Novedades de enero

Bolivian anthology series Supernova releases the third edition, Editorial Cthulhu has published his third anthology: “HORROR QUEER, Rosarium Publisher announces 2018 plans; magazines, events and more

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Noticias Literatura 26-7

The republication of a classic Elia Barceló novel, the call for nominations for the 17th Manuel de Pedrolo Award – City of Mataró competition for works of science fiction in Catalan, and more news of interest to Spanish speaking speculative fiction fans.

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