Ciberpunk en “El arca de los sueños” de Cedeño Menéndez
Ivan extols the virtues of emerging Ecuadorian author Richard Cedeño Menéndez. and his El arca de los Sueños (Ministry of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador, 2017) collection.
Los enredos burocráticos de “Iménez” de Noriega
A review of the re-issued novel by Colombian author Luis Noriega – Iménez
Sobre dos novelas de Schweblin
An examination of the novels of Argentinian author Samanta Schweblin
Novedades de Noviembre y Diciembre en Hispanoamérica
New books from Caterina Fernandez Hinojosa, José Luis Zárate, Carlos Enrique Saldivar, The Conspiracy of the Fuleros, Marco Antonio Yauri, Daína Chaviano, Poldark Mego, interviews with Daniel Salvo and José Güich, new magazine issues, films and television series
European Dick Festival; Sunburst awards, Crime Fiction awards, CanSMOF scholarships, GUFF nominations, and, oh yeah, a couple of Nobels….
Jean Christophe Gapdy
Jean Christophe Gapdy is an exciting new voice in French science fiction.
AMAZING NEWS: 8/27/2017
Tributes to Brian Aldiss, Worldcon 75 aftermath, PKD anthology show, Near Earth Asteroid, Roy Krenkel art, authors speaking truth to power, nuclear zeppelins, more exoplanets and killer robots. What’s not to like?
Matthew Mather’s Darknet Released
Darknet by Matthew Mather: Boiler room meets Philip K. Dick.
Scide Splitters: Infinite Jests edited by Robert Silverberg
Scide Splitters reviews an anthology of dark comedies originally published by the people that brought you such fine car repair manuals as Dune.
Obituario: Fracisco Porrúa (Corcubión, La Coruña, 1922 – Barcelona, 18 de diciembre de 2014)
Fracisco Porrúa, editor and translator of Bradbury, Borges, Simak & Sturgeon, passed away on December 18, 2014
Mr. Spaceship by Philip K. Dick
The short story Mr. Spaceship gives readers plenty to think about with its unique twist on the self-aware machine. How far can and should man go to preserve civilization?
Next Generation Readers and the Future of Fandom
What are our kids reading these days? The next generation of fandom may be in for quite a surprise from a literary perspective.
A propósito de la novela: “La sociedad de los improductivos”
Ivan’s debut article for Amazing Stories: on productivity, society and science fiction
Interview (Part 1): Nina Allan On Her Debut Novel, The Race
Over the last decade Nina Allan has established herself as one of the UK’s most imaginative and compelling writers. In this extensive two part interview she talks to Gary Dalkin for Amazing Stories about a wide range of subjects, including her debut novel, The Race.
Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 3 edited by Alex Shvartsman
Science fiction and fantasy’s only annual humor anthology returns with stories from Robert Silverberg, Mike Resnick, Tim Pratt, Piers Anthony, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, and more.
Recap: “It’s Not for Everyone,” The Strain, Season 1, Episode 4
Ever been forced to watch a chorus that’s off key…? Episode 4 of The Strain is kinda like that.
The Greatest Science Fiction Novels of All Time Part 5
The fifth inductee into Amazing Stories list of the greatest science fiction novels of all time.
Retrospective: A Minority Verdict Against Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report
Upon release in 2002 the film Minority Report, nominally based on a story by Philip K. Dick, received almost universally ecstatic reviews. I was among the minority of dissenting voices, and what follows, my minority retort
AMAZING NEWS: June 29, 2014
Amazing News isn’t always amazing…sometimes it’s just Startling, or merely Astounding, or somewhat Thrilling…or maybe even Unknown….
Philip K. Dick – 1977 French Television Interview
At some point during the Festival du livre de Science Fiction (Science Fiction Book Festival) in 1977, Yves Braux conducted a televised interview with SF master Philip K. Dick. I’m sure that others have found […]
LATINOAMERICA 2025, la primera novela cyberpunk boliviana
Latinoamerica 2025 is a milestone of Bolivian cyberpunk
Scide Splitters: What Mad Universe by Fredric Brown
Reasons why you should read What Mad World by Fredric Brown, if you haven’t already.
Remembrances—Classic Science Fiction Books
Science Fiction classics are worth another read.
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