AMAZING NEWS: June 29, 2014

PRESS RELEASES AND NEWSLETTERS (See below for full text)

Duotrope Roundup
Jo Fletcher Books To release John James’ The Fourth Gwenevere


Living As A Woman In A Science Fiction Future and Collateral Damage
Don’t Tell Her She’s Pretty:  Tell Her She’s Pretty Brilliant (Video)
Incident(s) At Clarion (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Powerful, upsetting, trigger warnings)
Improving STEM Programs
COSPlay & Humiliation
Female Creators in Comics (via SF Signal)
WISCon Must Do Better
Howard To Lovecraft
Steven Barnes:  Can You Separate the Art From the Artist? 
Columbusing:  College Humor Coins New, Appropriate Word
Move Over POCS, Women, LGBTQs and Make Some Space For Atheists On That Bench
alexludovico-e1403439531734United Underworld Gets A Manifesto and a Cartoon (For accurate translation, see 1984)
Bradley’s Daughter Accuses Her Of Abuse
No More Clinic Buffer Zones
Abusive Behavior
Rejected Female Astronaut Reinstated 


destruction of americaAmerican Destruction Via Hollywood Movies
LEGO Online
F U Ray Bradbury! – I’m Doing A TV Show! (More)
Transformers Age of Extinction Photos
TMNT Character Posters
If Batman Had Been A Watchman
ISOMETRIC Takes Gaming Podcasts To A New Level (Spacekat Wu!)
Watching Batman (1989) With Someone Born In 1990 (via SF Signal)
Exploding Spaceship’s Geeky Travel Edition
From the Make It Stop Department – Pacific Rim 2 Greenlighted
Orci To Direct Star Trek 3 (ummm whoopeee?)
Funkadelic Starship
Stargate Trilogy Reboot – Go!
Netflix Anime!
New Extended TV Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy (video)
Ministry of Silly Walks is Now a Game
Mr. PotatoHead R2 D2


featured newsOH MY!  It’s Ok to be Takei – The George Takei Documentary (“My life has been transformed as fantastically as science fiction…”
Ann Leckie – Next Greatest SF Thing? (via KC SFF Literati Group on FB)
Get Notified About Free SF/F/H Fiction Online!
New PKD Website
Visit Vulcan! (via SF Signal)
Boardgames Aren’t Dead Yet (audio)
Colassalcon Report
Why Larry Niven Is Great
Terry Brooks in Reddit Hotseat
Happy Birthday to the Guy Who Gave Us Frau Blucher (sound of horses whinnying)
Kathleen Conat 1950 – 2014 
Bud Webster’s Anthopology Columns
Progress On Heinlein Bust
Crowdfund – The Art of Ralph McQuarrie


 Leigh Brackett, Others Inducted Into SF Hall of Fame
2014 Locus Award Winners
2014 Saturn Awards


SFWA Wants Comments On Self-Publishing Policy
France Institutes Anti-Amazon Legislation (At least someone is doing something)
Amazon Demands New Terms From Publishers (Threatens Backlist Rights)
Doctorow Delineates DRM Dangers (Say that seven times fast)
Trademarking PI.  Not Possible?  Think Again
SF Romance Quarterly Open For Submissions
Don Maitz Illo Used By NSA (via SMOFs mailing list)
DC Comics Changing Pay
No, You Can’t ‘Steal’ Broadcasts From the Air and Watch Them
Lee Harris New TOR Senior Editor
Author Buddies Help With Foreign Sales
Book Industry Earned 27.01 Billion Last Year:  Ebook Sales Flat
Guardian Called Out For Anti-Amazon Screed


Pillars_of_CreationA Penny For NASA – Sign Up
Let Morgan Freeman Seriously Twist Your Head Inside Out
TESLA Makes Move With Patents
Anti-Science Reigns On Congressional Science Committee
Shhhh.  We’re Not Really Here – the Higgs Boson Implies So
Potential New Landing System A Success (First Test)
Japanese Researchers Create Robotic News Anchor (female, adolescent…where’s the pleated skirt?)
Gliese Planet In Goldilocks Zone
Pillars of Creation Re-Created In Lab
How To Get (Selfish, Short-Term Thinking) People To Respect the Future


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New ListingsIn the past 30 days, we have added 107 new market listings. Of those, 23 pay professional rates, 17 pay semi-pro rates, and 9 pay token rates.Top fiction listings added recently (by number of submissions reported):
Triptych Tales
Strange Little Girls
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Sonora Review Nonfiction Contest
Wherever Magazine
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On the 7 August 2014 Jo Fletcher Books is publishing the final instalment of the Arthurian saga from the late John James, The Fourth Gwenevere.

As the dynastic cement between the British and the Saxons Gwenevere’s marriage to the Arthur will result in a child that will unite both sides. At least, that was the plan, until the Great Duke Arthur died and left the petty kings of Britain to squabble over his title. Only Morvran, Arthur’s chief fixer, has the wit to see that the Fourth Gwenevere is the key to maintaining a crumbling peace. But when she is abducted, it seems that all hopes might disappear with her. As perhaps it’s only the Fourth Gwenevere herself who has the real solution?

Before John James passed away in 1993 he had talked about his work on the final piece of the Arthurian legend with Caítlin and John Matthews. This was the last anyone heard of the work until two decades later when Caítlin and John Matthews were discussing James and their sorrow to have never been able to read The Fourth Gwenevere with a friend. Knowing that James had started the work and eager to find this treasure they tracked down James’ children Helen Jones and David James.

After searching for The Fourth Gwenevere in their attic Helen and David found a collection of dusty, long since obsolete 5¼-inch floppy discs which contained James’ work on The Fourth Gwenevere. Caítlin and John organised the un-numbered chapters, the sections which were written in a different voice to the main story that were obviously supposed to fit in between and filled in the missing pages until the work was complete.

This is the culmination of the Arthur legend, the final piece in the story, for which we have been waiting for hundreds of years, told with wit and earthy charm. A gem which was unearthed as all the best treasure from myth are, polished and bought before the world.

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