Reseña de Libro: Cosmografía General de Laura Ponce
A review of Laura Ponce’s Cosmografía General
A review of Laura Ponce’s Cosmografía General
El nuevo libro de Rubén Serrano La Guerra del Final de los Tiempos, será pronto publicada por el Latin Heritage Foundation, primero en versión digital y luego en papel. Gracias al autor, les ofrecemos a […]
An excerpt from Carlos Suchowolski’s If Time Played Tricks
Penumbra is looking for submissions: Axxon is looking for Columbian authors, plus – new releases, new films and new events!
Wriixka awakens one fine crimson sunny morning to discover that she has grown wings.
Mexican YA. A tale of a home-based holiday.
Nestor Toledo’s collection of short stories flirts with the divide between hard and soft science fiction.
Tanya discusses the promotional efforts behind one of her books.
Part 4 of an investigation of author Jose Durand.
Este trabajo es parte de una investigación sobre la narrativa fantástica peruana que la Universidad de Lima publicará el próximo año y que el autor ha realizado junto a Carlos López Degregori y Alejandro Susti.
Investigations into the works of Joseph Durand.
Tanya, as an author, contemplates what inspires her to write a review.
An interview with two of FInland’s best
An interview with World Fantasy Award nominee Scott Lynch
Tanya brings us the latest Spanish releases for the month of June.
A review of the new anthology from the publishers of Proxima Centauri, edited by our own Laura Ponce!
Tanya reviews Ivan Prado’s Hananpracha
A review of Once Tiempos del Futuro by the Argentinian author Carlos Suchowolski.
Tanya profiles the latest spanish language happenings in genre – and announces a change to the ways in which she is presenting her findings.
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