Noticias Literatura 13-9

A review of Begoña Pérez Ruiz’s novel Blue and the announcement of a sale on the few remaining copies of books from Spiral Science Fiction.

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Noticias Literatura 6-9

An announcement about new publications from Ediciones El transbordador, Apache Libros takes over publication of the winners of the UPC Awards, and more!

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When SF makes sense of the World

Stan Faryna is an author, online strategist, entrepreneur, gamer, and unaccomplished gardener. He’s worked in think tanks, seen the Dead Sea Scrolls and the cave where they were found, mopped up the blood of a […]

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Noticias Literatura 23-8

Two new speculative fiction books have been released in Spanish: La canción de Bêlit, an exploration of a lost period in the history of Robert E, Howard’s Conan the Barbarian; and Transcrepuscular, which considers a possible evolutionary symbiosis between humanity and nature, exposing our ethnocenrtic view of the world.

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Noticias Literatura 16-8

News of the reissue of “Mala Racha” by José Antonio Cotrina, a novel in which consciousnesses are loaded to disc at birth and bodies are interchangeable.

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Anthology Review: 1066 Turned Upside Down

1066 Turned Upside Down is a collection of short alternate history stories that focus on a historical moment you may not be familiar with, but the stories are entertaining and the editors give enough historical context for even people who know nothing about it to appreciate the work.

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