Novedades de Agosto 1
LIBROS Hubo muchas ferias del libro al principio del mes y por supuesto, muchos nuevos libros. Pandemonium Editorial presentó el 1 de agosto el libro “La Maldición Forttia”, de los chilenos Michel Deb y Chris […]
LIBROS Hubo muchas ferias del libro al principio del mes y por supuesto, muchos nuevos libros. Pandemonium Editorial presentó el 1 de agosto el libro “La Maldición Forttia”, de los chilenos Michel Deb y Chris […]
Este es mi nuevo intento de ser consistente con las novedades, que hay tantas y si espero hasta el final del mes para anunciarlas, se hace un post muy largo. LIBROS El miércoles 8 de […]
Y si, yo fui una de las personas que decidió aceptar la invitación a Chengdu. Yo comprendo el rechazo de mucha gente que respeto en la comunidad hacia realizar en un país que evidentemente no […]
Ah, conventions… and nametags—they go together like ham & swiss cheese! I’ve bookended my convention experiences in a way by showing a 38-year-old Spokon nametag and a new Spocon 2022 tag! Read the column to find out more.
Literatura Un antiguo artículo de J. Jay Jones sobre Theodore Sturgeon está entre los favoritos de este mes. Ernest Lilley nos recomienda qué leer en julio en cuanto a la ciencia ficción. En su serie […]
October is Meteor Month; skull & bones sugar lumps, black hole may be orbiting our sun, space rocks may be spying on the Earth, Sandford calls for change of name to Clarke Award, Venkman says dogs and cats are living together, reading SF may not make you stupid after all and lots more stuff of biblical proportions this week in Amazing News
This week Steve repurposes and re-edits an old column, hoping it will be new to at least some of you. It’s all about conventions and nametags, anyway, so if you’re not interested, go watch the snow or something.
(Ed’s inside joke: No orcas yet…)
Los que estamos acostumbrados a los diviertidos Finncones, nos sentimos un poco decepcionados de que algunas cosas no funcionaran bien en la Worldcon. Me refiero especialmente a los problemas de censura que hubo con algunas […]
Jemisin wins another award, fans remember Oscar Goldman and much much more from the world of fandom.
Amazing’s Spansish Language Editor to present!
Steve tells you where to get a free SF book and revisits/rewrites an old column dealing with Worldcons and nametags and such.
An overview of some of 2016’s most popular articles in Amazing Stories for Italian speaking readers.
Fabien Lyraud gives a rundown of some of the highlights of August’s posts on Amazing Stories for French language readers.
Good wishes towards bad actors only work if the bad actors cooperate.
Sasq-Watch, the daily newzine from Sasquan, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention
A bilingual con report from Archipelacon! With even more GRRM!
Since 1966, the average length of Hugo nominated novels has more than doubled…
Scide Splitters reviews a story collection by one of science fiction and fantasy’s most prolific authors of short form humorous fiction.
Do you collect Worldcon Program Books? I do, which is very odd, because I’ve never been to a Worldcon.
Our publisher is quite pleased with himself and his prediction of Loncon3’s record-breaking attendance.
The Hugos are upon us. RK gives you even more (and better reasons) to join up and vote!
Amazing Stories offers all convention members a free 1 year subscription!
Amazing Stories offers all convention members a free 1 year subscription!
We’re very pleased to learn that one of our contributors – Steven H Silver (the period after the ‘H’ is silent) – publisher of Argentus, a long-running fanzine, regular contributor to the SF Site, Best […]
Yours truly humbly notes his immortilization in digital audio recordings
Steve Davidson is the publisher of Amazing Stories.
Steve has been a passionate fan of science fiction since the mid-60s, before he even knew what it was called.
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