Sasq-Watch: Sasquan’s Daily Newzine: Issue 1

For those unable to attend Worldcon (or those attending looking for an easy way to stay abreast of all the Worldcon news), we bring you Sasq-Watch, Sasquan’s daily newsletter.

Daily fanzines are a long-time tradition of Worldcon – sometimes a few pranksters even manage to slip in a hoax issue or two.

Of particular note in Sasq-Watch Issue 1: GoH David Gerrold’s suggestion that every attendee say hello and strike up a conversation with someone they don’t know, and, instructions on how to behave while attending a panel. (You’d think such would be unnecessary these days, but sadly, the opposite is true.)

Enjoy. Get a feel for Worldcon and keep up with the latest happenings. (You can view the original presentation HERE on

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