Amazing Stories
Hillsboro, NH
May 9th, 2014
Amazing Stories is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with both Loncon3, the 2014 Worldcon and Detcon1, the 2014 NASFiC conventions to extend a free one year subscription to every single member of each of the conventions. – Attending, Supporting and Special Member Categories.
Both Worldcon and NASFiC events are conducted under the umbrella of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary organization that promotes science fiction and fantasy through its event and award programs.
Amazing Stories and its original publisher, Hugo Gernsback (along with Gernsback’s second SF magazine, Science Wonder Stories) are credited with providing the platforms that led to the creation of Science Fiction Fandom; Amazing Stories’ premiere cover illustrator, Frank R. Paul, was Worldcon’s first Guest of Honor at Nycon 1 in 1939. The histories of the magazine and of fandom have been intertwined since the 1930s.
Recognizing fandom’s commitment to privacy issues, Amazing Stories has arranged this offer as a completely OPT-IN program. Members of each convention (both attending and supporting) will be given the opportunity to indicate whether or not they wish to take advantage of the offer and only the minimum necessary information (username, email address) is required to sign up.
Amazing Stories subscribers will receive a number of benefits, including a subscriber discount on items sold in its soon to open store, advance notification and access to new fiction, special on-site services and first dibs on limited edition offerings (among other benefits).
“WSFS, Worldcon, NASFiC and the Hugo Awards are important cornerstones of science fiction fandom and of maintaining and spreading fannish culture and tradition. Amazing Stories hopes that this program will inspire others to find meaningful ways to help support and promote the organization and its events. The letter columns of Amazing and Wonder helped bring Fandom together. Fandom, in turn, provided those magazines with a vibrant and supportive market, new creators and annual gatherings. It is only fit and proper that the new Amazing Stories continues to support that tradition.” said Steve Davidson, Publisher of Amazing Stories.
Worldcon is science fiction’s premiere annual event and hosts the annual Hugo Awards presentation ceremony.
The NASFiC is held somewhere in North America in any year in which the Worldcon is held outside of North America.
Detcon1, 2014’s NASFiC will be held in Detroit, USA from July 17th through the 20th, 2014. 2014’s Worldcon, Loncon3, will be held in London, England from August 14th through the 18th, 2014. Memberships in both conventions can still be purchased on their respective websites.
Current and potential members of either convention do not need to contact Amazing Stories regarding this offer; each convention will be making the opportunity available to its members individually.
For further information regarding Worldcon and Loncon3
For further information regarding NASFiC and Detcon1
For further information about the Hugo Awards
For further information about The World Science Fiction Society
For further information about Amazing Stories, visit the website at
Amazing Stories is a Registered Trademark of Steve Davidson and The Experimenter Publishing Company.
“World Science Fiction Society”, “WSFS”, “World Science Fiction Convention”, “Worldcon”, “NASFiC”, “Hugo Award”, and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.