Movie Review: Sanitarium (2013)

The Asylum trope seems to be gaining in popularity, in recent years, the most famous version being the second season of American Horror Story. We are forced to see, and consider, where the insane are coming from, forced to relate, to interact with non-sense and un-reason.

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Review: Pilgrimage by Nelson S. Bond

Pilgrimage by author Nelson S. Bond is a speculative account of sexual dominance in a future gone astray. This compelling story is a wonderful example of artistic allusion and the dangers of recording historical accounts over time.

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Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 2 edited by Alex Shvartsman

If done well, an anthology is like a box of chocolates filled with a variety of delectable confections. Granted, there are bound to be a few flavors you are not partial to, but on the whole, the selection is delightful. When not done so well, you end up with something a little more like Monty Python’s Whizzo Chocolates, getting a mouthful of Crunchy Frog or Cockroach Cluster….

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Novedades literatura y cine 3-7

Noticias literatura “Espiral CF” anuncia que su próximo número será doble “Espiral Ciencia-Ficción” es una colección de libros de ciencia-ficción, editada de manera no profesional por el bilbaíno Juan José Aroz. Lleva en marcha desde […]

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