Noticias Literatura 4-2
The latest issues of Alfa Eridiani and Minatura magazines – including the english version

Book Review: Stories of the Raksura by Martha Wells
Matt takes a look at presentations of gender in Martha Wells’ collection

Book Review: Whispers from the Abyss
An H.P. Lovecraft inspired collection of shorts – no Elvis impersonations allowed.

Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 3 edited by Alex Shvartsman
Science fiction and fantasy’s only annual humor anthology returns with stories from Robert Silverberg, Mike Resnick, Tim Pratt, Piers Anthony, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, and more.

Steve reviews Gardner Dozois’s marvelous 31st Annual Year’s Best SF!

Scide Splitters: Antigrav: Cosmic Comedies by SF Masters edited by Philip Strick
Scide Splitters reviews an anthology from the 1970s featuring some of the most prominent names in SF humor at the time.

BOOK REVIEW: The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction Vol. 2
Does Macy’s tell Gimbels? This week a review of the upcoming “Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction Vol. 2”

Movie Review: Sanitarium (2013)
The Asylum trope seems to be gaining in popularity, in recent years, the most famous version being the second season of American Horror Story. We are forced to see, and consider, where the insane are coming from, forced to relate, to interact with non-sense and un-reason.

Scide Splitters: This is My Funniest, Edited by Mike Resnick
Review of This Is My Funniest, a short story anthology edited by Mike Resnick.

A Review of Dangerous Women, an Anthology Edited by Gardner Dozois and George R.R. Martin
I was absolutely delighted when I received a review copy of the highly anticipated Dangerous Women. Dozois and Martin have produced a blockbuster anthology with an all-star lineup of authors.

Review: Pilgrimage by Nelson S. Bond
Pilgrimage by author Nelson S. Bond is a speculative account of sexual dominance in a future gone astray. This compelling story is a wonderful example of artistic allusion and the dangers of recording historical accounts over time.

Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 2 edited by Alex Shvartsman
If done well, an anthology is like a box of chocolates filled with a variety of delectable confections. Granted, there are bound to be a few flavors you are not partial to, but on the whole, the selection is delightful. When not done so well, you end up with something a little more like Monty Python’s Whizzo Chocolates, getting a mouthful of Crunchy Frog or Cockroach Cluster….

Review: After Death edited by Eric J. Guignard
It is part of the human condition to wonder what happens to us after we die.

Novedades literatura y cine 3-7
Noticias literatura “Espiral CF” anuncia que su próximo número será doble “Espiral Ciencia-Ficción” es una colección de libros de ciencia-ficción, editada de manera no profesional por el bilbaíno Juan José Aroz. Lleva en marcha desde […]

Review: Zombie Jesus and Other True Stories
Horror and alternate history are difficult genres to mash up. You just don’t see them together very often and despite my firm belief in the adaptability of alternate history, it is rare when you see […]
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