
Editors. You can’t please all of them all of the time, but maybe you can please some of them, some of the time.

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Cosmic Corkscrew by Michael A. Burstein

Stasis felt unreal. Dr. Scheihagen had warned me about that when I volunteered for this mission. “Remember, we don’t know what it’ll be like for you inside,” he said in his German accent. “We’ve never […]

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The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Retro Read: A Martian Odyssey (Part 1)

Steve begins a new series of reviews devoted to examining the contents of what is arguably the single greatest anthology of science fiction’s first half-century – The Science Fiction Hall Of Fame, edited by Robert Silverberg and selected by the members of SFWA. Individual stories will be examined in order, with particular attention being paid to their suitability for today’s readers, as well as their place in SF literary history.

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A Sentimental (Science Fiction) Education

Much as I loved Heinlein’s juveniles (Podkayne of Mars, Farmer in the Sky, etc) I became obsessed with Simak. The Way Station stories blew me away, and City was, and probably still is, one of my top ten favourite science fiction novels.

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Interview with SFWA Grand Master Robert Silverberg

Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master Robert Silverberg. Mr. Silverberg writes speculative fiction that travels where he wants it to go, pushing aside the traditional limitations with which many writers confine themselves. He has written countless novels and works of short fiction, and his list of non-fiction books is staggering. Mr. Silverberg has been so prolific that his total word count rivals the quantity of stars in the galaxy.

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