Bad Robots

Robots are supposed to follow three laws that will maintain their loyalty to humanity. But as we all know, even a bunch of nuts and bolts can go bad. So let’s take a look at some of the bad robots we’ve grown to love.

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Introduction to SFF – 4- Slick

After I was introduced to pulp magazines in the 70s and read Isaac Asimov’s stories of his encounters with John Campbell back in the Golden Age, I started seriously looking for science fiction. For one […]

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Hugo by the Numbers Part 2

Let this serve as your reminder that final ballots for the 2013 Hugo Awards are due today. (07/31/13) With that in mind, I bring you my continued parade of Hugo Award statistics from across the […]

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Hugo Award Logo

Hugo Award by the Numbers

With the Hugo Award voting coming to a close at the end of July, I find my attention being pulled towards the historical data surrounding the Hugo. The Hugo Award started in 1953 at the […]

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As mentioned in an earlier post, L. Sprague de Camp attempted to turn Sword & Sorcery down a logical, Science Fictional route (ala John W. Campbell’s Unknown) with his Pusadian stories, but in this he […]

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James Gunn

Interview with SFWA Grand Master James Gunn

Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master James Gunn (also James E. Gunn). James writes, edits, and anthologizes science fiction and related scholarly books. In 1969, Paramount […]

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Liftoff Scratched for SF Authors Stamps

The countdown has been halted for issuing U.S. stamps honoring science fiction authors, which initially was set for July. According to Linn’s Stamp News, a weekly publication devoted to all things philatelic, the U.S. Postal […]

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