Finity by Felicity Savage

Raphaella Chang woke up with an advertisement tattooed on her face. She remembered orbiting the pop-up booth on the high street, taunting her friends, the promise of free painkillers. She dragged herself to the bathroom, […]

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Living With the Nazis

With its haunting portrayal of the unthinkable, Fatherland sired (ha ha…) the alternate history sub-genre one might call: “What if … the Nazis won?”

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Omnivores In Space

when I read, I notice what people are eating. This is one of those little clues that can tell you a lot about how a fictional world is constructed and how its author sees it.

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Who Killed My Little Pony?

I used to play with My Little Ponies. I hated dolls, kept my hair short, wouldn’t wear dresses, but even I was susceptible to the unbearable cuteness of My Little Pony. For a while I […]

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Love Thine Enemy: A Review of Interrupt by Jeff Carlson

Let’s get one thing out of the way up front. I am crazy about Jeff Carlson’s writing. I even tipped him as my favorite lesser-known SF author in a recent interview here on Amazing Stories. Tying that hangman’s noose a bit tighter, I stated at the time that I thought Carlson’s best work was still ahead of him.

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Weeaboos of the Renaissance

Weeaboos? Weeaboos? If you don’t know what a weeaboo is, you probably aren’t one. If you’d rather be quite sure, visit this link and play weeaboo bingo with yourself! The checklist to the right is […]

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Voice Net

This man foresaw the NSA scandal before cell phones were even invented. So why have you never heard of him? Blame the Japanese publishing industry–which makes Westeros look like the Oneida Community.

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