This week Steve reviews the November-December issue of F&SF. It’s also the second-to-last issue that will be edited by C.C. Finlay, who wants to return to writing. It’s a fine issue to end the year on!
This week Steve reviews the November-December issue of F&SF. It’s also the second-to-last issue that will be edited by C.C. Finlay, who wants to return to writing. It’s a fine issue to end the year on!
Steve continues his F&SF reviews with the current (Mar-Apr) issue. He finds it a nice blend of SF (even some “hard SF”) and fantasy (even “hard” fantasy!).
Steve is unforgivably late with his review of the Jan/Feb 2020 F&SF. He hopes you’ll forgive him if he posts the next two issues’ reviews on time!
For his last column of the year and the decade, Steve reviews two excellent items: a new book by Lisa Mason, and the last 2019 F&SF. Both are well worth the read!
Author Matthew Hughes has written a “slipstream” historical novel with fantasy elements. But much of it is true. Is it SF/F? You decide (I already think so!)
We’re going into a second printing for our fifth issue!
We’ve really gone above and beyond with this, our latest issue. Twice the contents and full color artwork throughout.
Steve went to MosCon XL, but won’t review it this week, then he read the May-June F&SF. Check it out! Some fabulous fiction!
This week Steve plugs the new Canadian anthology Tesseracts 20 (shameless self-promotion), and interviews famed musician and self-confessed SF buff David Crosby of The Byrds, Crosby, Stills & Nash (and Young), and his own group with his son James Raymond.
This week, Steve reviews the July-August F&SF, and stumps for your votes (Canadians only!) for the Aurora Awards.
This week Steve stays put in space and time, reviewing the May/June Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF). The stories in the issue, however, range all over space and time!
This week Steve jumps back and forth in his reviews. Back to the early part of the century, forward from there to the ‘sixties, and back (forward) to the present! Are you confused? Well, I think we all are at this point.
This week Steve dips back into SF’s past—focusing on 1928 and 1962. Why those years? You’ll have to read and find out…and if that doesn’t work, ask him yourself!
This week Steve takes on a blurb and a book review and a movie review. And he has a good time with all of it! He doesn’t think your mileage will vary much!
This week, Steve says goodbye to another old friend, reviews the March/April F&SF, and tells—and shows!—a bit about the Northwest’s biggest fan-run convention: Norwescon 40!
As Marlon Brando says, “The horror… the horror.” Dr. Smith from Lost in Space says “Oh, the horror!” This week Steve reviews two horror films: one fantasy, one SF; one very good, one good up to a point. Which one is which? Read and find out!
Instead of a Festivus Tree, for his last column of 2016, Steve offers a review of the last Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction of 2016, and best wishes for 2017, or whatever the new year will be in YOUR reality.
Devil or Angel is a highly enjoyable read with a lot of solid writing…and some confounding problems.
The January/February issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (F&SF) is under review by Steve, who likes it a lot, even though a couple of the stories kind of depressed him. You will probably like it too!
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