Reseña de libro: Aquí hay dragones. Breve antología de minificción centroamericana contemporánea
Here Be Dragons is an excellent representation of Spanish language SF microfiction.
Here Be Dragons is an excellent representation of Spanish language SF microfiction.
January was a busy month for Spanish language speculative fiction, with many book and magazine releases, calls for stories and more!
Reviews of Ace doubles covers and 40 years of Star Wars, perspectives on fandom and more awaited Spanish language readers in December’s Amazing Stories.
An interview with the brains behind the Barcelona Speculative Fiction publishing house Café con Leche.
Interviews with two new Spanish language speculative fiction publishers, featuring advice for new writers.
An exploration of some of the challenges of translating an English language text into Chinese.
a character who helps people after their death to transcend the human body and migrate their souls
An overview of recent and coming events and publications of interest to Spanish speaking science fiction, fantasy and horror fans.
A report on the winners of the Chinese Galaxy and Chinese Nebula Awards.
An overview of recent releases in Spanish speculative fiction, as well as events in the Spanish SF community.
An interview with Santiago Oviedo and José Joaquín Ram on the challenges and joys of publishing speculative fiction magazines in Latin America.
With no concern for his safety, Ira Nayman wades into the controversy over whether women can be funny, exploring possible reasons for why men are so resistant to the idea.
M. D. Jackson’s final installment on the history of visual effects in cinema takes us from the CGI revolution of Jurassic Park to the present.
Now that summer is winding down a bit, it’s time to start stocking up for winter reading – or – you’re TBR pile is just not tall enough!
The first use of a computer assisted visual element in a major motion picture happened in 1973 with the movie Westworld.
The flawed heroes and the shared universe weren’t the only revolutions that Stan Lee brought to the business
Preview of the upcoming crowdfunded anthology
A collection of essays edited by Travis Langley, Captain America vs. Iron Man: Freedom, Security, Psychology gives readers a unique perspective on those great responsibilities that come from having great powers, just like Stan Lee warned.
Relatos seleccionados para la antología Visiones 2016 Reunidas las encargadas de realizar la selección de la antología Visiones 2016, Mª Concepción Regueiro Digón y Lola Robles Moreno, han acordado que los relatos que formarán parte […]
What will we be wearing in the future? Better hope SF is not accurate with its predictions.
A Sci Fi scavenger hunt!
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