Asni’s Art Blog: The Doctor’s Companions

Where would the Doctor be without his Companions. That’s Companion with a capital C. There have been even more companions, than there have been incarnations of the Doctor, but as far as fan art goes, Rose Tyler, Amy Pond and Jack Harkness are clearly in the lead.

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Film Review: Sorry About Tomorrow

8 hours ain’t a lot of time to make a movie. The 48 Film Project has given us a lot of films, some of which have been remarkable, and some of which have been among the worst films ever made. I should know: I’ve made a couple of those. In recent years things seems to have changed and the pinnacle of these films are among the best shorts I’ve seen all year. Like There’s Nothing Funny About a Clown in Love and Snow in the City from San Francisco, the winners in several other cities have really moved me, and none of them with the intelligence and dark logic of Sorry About Tomorrow.

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Octavia Butler, o el peso de la diferencia

Octavia Butler era una chica negra, pobre, inusualmente alta, tímida, tartamuda, disléxica y lesbiana. Desde muy joven tuvo una idea bastante clara de lo que era la discriminación en sus muchas formas y utilizó la ciencia ficción para explorar temas sociales antiguos y modernos.

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Scide Splitters: Unidentified Funny Objects 2 edited by Alex Shvartsman

If done well, an anthology is like a box of chocolates filled with a variety of delectable confections. Granted, there are bound to be a few flavors you are not partial to, but on the whole, the selection is delightful. When not done so well, you end up with something a little more like Monty Python’s Whizzo Chocolates, getting a mouthful of Crunchy Frog or Cockroach Cluster….

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