After Time Machines and Time Travel comes TARDIS. Ok that’s not strictly the alphabetical order, but you know what I mean. The crop of Doctor Who fan art on DeviantArt was so abundant that I will have to turn it into a mini series in its own right (prepare for His Sexiness the Doctor!) – but let’s focus on that iconic blue police call box for now.
Now that I sit here and ponder that to write, for once I really don’t seem to manage to attach any deep thoughts on the nature of space, time, culture, diversity or gender issues to this blog post (but wait for when I tackle His Sexiness the Doctor!) – the images largely speak for themselves, and I think it is fun to see the creative variety with which these artists have treated the topic. It’s a blue box, for crying out loud. Even if it caught the attention of a collector of modern art in ancient Pompeji once, just before Volcano Day.
So, lean back and enjoy the ride — but, uhmmm. Does anyone else think that the steampunk treatment of the TARDIS makes it look not so much like a police call box, but more like a public something-else?
The t-shirt design is seriously cool though. And I quite like the TARDIS in human form. But my favourite piece has got to be the one of the three friends having a private Doctor Who marathon – apparently a very spontaneous sketch intended as a joke among friends, with no particular artistic ambition. It may not be the most technical finished piece in the selection, but it is definitely a more creative approach to creating fan art than simply copying out a screenshot, however technically brilliant.
Though of course, that goes for the rest of the images featured here as well! Take a spin, but be back in time for dinner.

All images are copyright the respective artists, and may not be reproduced without permission.
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