SUPERMAN and LOIS (So Far)… with spoilers.
This week, Steve talks about the present Superman TV show and what it means to him personally. What does he think about it? What do YOU think about it?
This week, Steve talks about the present Superman TV show and what it means to him personally. What does he think about it? What do YOU think about it?
Dwayne (“The Rock” at one time) Johnson has long wanted to play Black Adam in a movie. Unfortunately, he is not well served by the move he got. Read Steve’s opinion on this mess of a wanna-be blockbuster.
After a long, hot summer, Steve returns with two old black-and-white movie reviews. No, wait, the reviews are new… the movies are old! Read it while it’s fresh!
This week Steve examines two new genre TV shows on different networks. Superheroes seem to be playing a bigger role in TV than ever before. Are these new shows worth watching?
Steve talks about coincidence and reviews a couple of films. He didn’t find any five-flibbet films, but maybe you’ll like them better than he did.
Steve is not a big fan of the movie Aquaman. In fact, he’s not even a little fan of Aquaman; he thinks the movie s(t)inks!
This week Steve gives his personal opinion about TV SF/F. What does he watch and why? See if you watch the same things!
This week Steve tells you where to get even MORE GREAT SF/F for next to nothing! And if you were reading this column four years ago you might have read the rest. Just sayin’.
Comic Con in London is a star-studded, all-out geektacular three days of fun, food, celebrities, and costumes, costumes, and more costumes.
Steve watches lots of TV for YOU! He’s trying to save you from bad shows and point you to good shows. That’s how selfless he is. Why else would he put in the hours in front of a lighted box?
Of course there have been pets in science fiction shows, comics and novels for decades – Krypto in Superman, Muffit the Daggit in Battlestar Galactica, K-9 in Dr. Who, Graf in Alas, Babylon, Jonesy the cat […]
You think Star Wars ruined the possibility for “legitimate science fiction” to appear on the big screen? Darren Slade suggests that you think again.
YA books-to-film are popular, but some series appear to be running out of steam. Steve checks out the “…ent” series and then runs on about some other movies. Do you agree with his assessments?
Mandrake the Magician Vol. 1 brings back 80 years of memories and reminds us what real superheroes are supposed to be like.
This week Steve takes a second look at Marvel’s two most recent movies, Deadpool and Ant-Man, and finds one much better than the other… but YMMV! Also a couple of tips for writers who may be stuck.
These are the Four Color Heroes. They are meant to be bright primary colors – why are they do dark?
Steve jumps around a lot this week, from VCON to Steampunk Fashion Jewelry to the Philip K. Dick Bookbundle, and back again to Ed Howdershelt!
Crossplay: who says Captain America has to be a guy? Who says that only girls can dress up as Black Widow?
Suyperhero films: Marvel succeeds, DC fails. Could the difference be one of character?
A look at the various controversies surrounding the release of the soundtrack album for Hans Zimmer’s score to Interstellar
In part two of his superhero blog entry, Steve looks at Superman and others.
Who has the most iconic villains in the land? Read on to find out.
The Flash & Arrow openers sew confusion and gosh-wow!
Before Batman, there was Gotham. Before Gotham, there was the Gotham Preview.
This week the UK London listings and entertainment guide Time Out published part of an on-going series of genre by genre features on the 100 Best Films. The current one is ‘The 100 best sci-fi movies’. Gary Dalkin takes a look…
…is a freelance editor, writing consultant and story structure expert. To find out more, including hiring me to work on your writing project, read my profile or visit my website, To The Last Word.
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