Book Cover: Reason For Existence by Richard Botelho

Matt’s Reviews: Reason For Existence by Richard Botelho

  Publisher:           Windstream Publishing Company   Publication date:  February 1, 2016    Length:               189 pages   ISBN:                   978-0-9643926-6-3   ASIN:                   B017KRJ66E   Author:                 Richard Botelho Reason For Existence by Richard Botelho tells the tale of David Jordan, an extraterrestrial who appears […]

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I’m Not Saying it’s Aliens, but….

You knew we were going to get here sooner or later, didn’t you.  One of the most interesting things about aliens showing up in videogames is that they often serve the same purpose as they do in broader science fiction.

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New Science Fiction Romances Arrive

More new science fiction romances have hit the figurative ebook shelves, with everything from space pirates to a tale strongly reminiscent (to me) of both “Aliens” and “Jurassic Park.” Shall we start there? The Colony […]

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Big Brain Aliens

Look at the aliens from This Island Earth. If they are so smart, why are the denizens of Metaluna all such big headed pricks?

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Review: Another War by Simon Morden

Another War is an early novella, published in the UK by Telos Publishing in 2005, by the British writer Simon Morden, who has since come to prominence with the Philip K. Dick Award-winning Metrozone series. It is a fast-paced horror story paying homage to HP Lovecraft, William Hope Hodgson, Quatermass, and even UNIT from Doctor Who.

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UFOs and Aliens

I guess what I’m saying is, extraordinary claims don’t really require extraordinary evidence; they just require good, scientific evidence. The same kind that proved the Earth wasn’t flat and F = MA.

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Review: GRABBERS (2012)

There’s nothing better than a good monster movie. The problem is, most monster movies these days suck. Some intentionally (Sharktopus, I’m looking at you). The Syfy Channel seems to specialize in these CGI stinkers that […]

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Why are we afraid of monsters?

A while back I did a few articles regarding “science horror“, or works where the tropes of both SF and horror are blended together to create a gory speculative fun house. Recently, however, I began […]

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