Noticias Literatura 12-7

Fallado el premio UPC de Ciència-Ficció Miquel Barceló 2024 Fallado el premio UPC de Ciència-Ficció Miquel Barceló 2024: Primer premio (ex aequo): dotado con 2.000€ y publicación -La semana de los tecnoorgas, de Miguel Ángel […]

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Man of Two Worlds!

Current issue of Alter Ego features biography of Golden Age great Edmond Hamilton Written by Glen Cadigan (author of The Life & Art of Dave Cockrum), Alter Ego #187 focuses on Edmond Hamilton, one of the […]

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Pixel Scroll 4/13/24 A Penchant For Multisyllabic Words (1) MURDERBOT THEMES. Martha Wells has posted the text of the “Jack Williamson Lecture 2024” she delivered on April 12 in Portales, NM. Here are the opening […]

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Noticias Literatura 30-11

Nuevo boletín del portal Literatura Fantástica Editoriales y librerías se preparan para la avalancha de novedades de Navidad: medio centenar de libros destacados en el nuevo boletín del portal Literatura Fantástica.   Podcast de […]

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2020: In Memoriam

Steven H Silver performs this sad task annually (also used at Worldcon). Please take a moment to remember those we have lost, and the ones who have lost them.

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