Why Would AI be Hostile?

Suzanne Hagelin, the author of Body Suit, asked this question: “Exactly how WOULD computers behave if they became sentinent?”

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Who really created the Drone?

I discover most of my science in the literature and movie industry. Being an artist, I recognize Leonardo di Vinci as one of the world’s greatest visionaries. When a fellow director I work with sent […]

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A Fantastic Reversal

Rumors are that Amazing Stories is counting down until lift off should give fantasy writers something to think about.

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On Young Adult

Young adult genre fiction can help teens negotiate the transition from youth to adult by dealing with the difficulties of life om a realistic, but positive way.

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The Power of the Written Word.

“My task, which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel—it is, before all, to make you see.” – Joseph Conrad You […]

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Sight VS Sound

Audio books may not make print obsolete, but they are a growing market that independent authors should consider.

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When SF makes sense of the World

Stan Faryna is an author, online strategist, entrepreneur, gamer, and unaccomplished gardener. He’s worked in think tanks, seen the Dead Sea Scrolls and the cave where they were found, mopped up the blood of a […]

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