Fire Destroys Treasures

Fire rips through Brazil’s National Museum on Sunday. AP Photo/Leo Correa

A note on the horrific fire at the Brazil’s 200 year old National Museum. The building had been deteriorating for years. It had no sprinkler system, and the wiring was less than satisfactory. The fact that the museum housed artifacts important to not only Brazil, but the world, is devastating.

“It’s an irreparable loss, not only for Brazilian science but for the world. The building can be reconstructed, restored, and everything else, but the collections can never be replaced. Two centuries of science and culture are lost forever,” said Sergio Alex Kugland de Azevedo, a paleozoologist and former director of the museum.

Why was this building left to it’s own demise when it housed important keys to human history? I wonder sometimes how many other structures that journalize roots to mankind’s existence are on the brink of collapse, and if there isn’t some international funds to assist in their preservation? You would think with all the communication available in this world today, we as human beings could by-pass national government protocol and give aid to preserve scientific treasures.

This event is truly eye-opening and a wake up call for people all over the world.

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