From the THE MOST SFNAL THING WE’VE SEEN IN MONTHS Department: A Catholic Group Has Defrocked an AI Priest Deadpool & Wolverine trailer brings it With the passing of John Trimble, a new effort to […]
From the THE MOST SFNAL THING WE’VE SEEN IN MONTHS Department: A Catholic Group Has Defrocked an AI Priest Deadpool & Wolverine trailer brings it With the passing of John Trimble, a new effort to […]
This IS your father’s STAR WARS. This is STAR WARS for adults who can follow a plot
Can’t go to a con? How about revisiting on and getting turned on to the UKCM – and one of its artist members – at the same time.
Modern Myth and Meaning is a blog series on the contributions of literature and pop culture to contemporary mythology.
Wow! weirdness and light this week in the news: plastic army women, Einstein up-ended, bra makers made spacesuits and if that isn’t weird enough, Cthulhu is picking a fight with Stephen King! Read on!
Other than Aliens, is there anything more science-fictional than spaceships?
[Joseph] Campbell thought that in order for modern society to rejuvenate itself from a detached spiritual condition, we were going to need some new symbols.
Suitable for both young and old and promising everything we need to know, what more would a Star Wars fan need?
How do you tell an original story while giving nods to fans? Star Wars tries, but doesn’t always succeed…
Author, artist, techie – is there anything Christian Kallias can’t do?
Jim C. Hines, known for his fantasy novels, tries his hand at humorous military SF and presents us with an unlikely group of heroes—Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse.
This week Steve plugs the new Canadian anthology Tesseracts 20 (shameless self-promotion), and interviews famed musician and self-confessed SF buff David Crosby of The Byrds, Crosby, Stills & Nash (and Young), and his own group with his son James Raymond.
Tributes to Brian Aldiss, Worldcon 75 aftermath, PKD anthology show, Near Earth Asteroid, Roy Krenkel art, authors speaking truth to power, nuclear zeppelins, more exoplanets and killer robots. What’s not to like?
(Actually this is the video in Spanish, next one is in English) Unfortunately I cannot put the video of the Closing ceremony, because Youtube said is “too long”. I am trying to find a solution […]
Dunkirk is a movie about real life heroes that everybody should see.
Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion is an effective film about an all too real possible Armageddon.
Comic Con in London is a star-studded, all-out geektacular three days of fun, food, celebrities, and costumes, costumes, and more costumes.
Imagine George Lucas at the Pearly Gates: would he get into heaven because of his contribution to science fiction, or would he be cast down?
References to some recent articles in Amazing Stories for Spanish speaking readers.
The Dark Between the Stars is one of those books that grabs you which readers will love.
Radio seems to be the best medium for dramatizing science fiction. It’s a shame that there isn’t more of it, although…
Disney seems to be respectfully expanding the Star Wars universe, but will it succumb to the corporate dark side?
Surprise! Rogue One actually takes the Star Wars universe in a new and interesting direction. WARNING: contains spoilers.
How does the novelization of Star Wars hold up 40 years after its release?
Despite all the problems with MidAmericon II – and there were many – it was still fun. (And some pics from the con)
You think Star Wars ruined the possibility for “legitimate science fiction” to appear on the big screen? Darren Slade suggests that you think again.
An interview with Miguel Alpire, whose epic fantasy deals with fundamental questions about the origins and nature of existence in this universe and beyond.
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