Deadpool & Wolverine trailer brings it
With the passing of John Trimble, a new effort to save a Star Trek property appears
Michael Walsh Shares this video of a rocket launch that did not acquire a re-entry license
Tananarive Due wins the L.A. Times Book Award
Alex Shvartsman shares book updates and progress
Fandom needs at least one of these flamethrowing robots
Preliminary plans for the 100th anniversary of Fandom in 2029 are being discussed. : Also don’t forget the upcoming 100th anniversary celebration for Science Fiction & Amazing Stories – SF100!
Kemi Ashing-Giwa wins 2024 Compton Crook Award
Boeing’s Starliner has arrived at NASA’s launch complex and is undergoing pre-launch preparations
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (The “Devil Comet”) is now visible from Australia
V’Ger Voyager 1 is communicating again!
“Spiders on Mars”. You all know they’re playing Ziggy Stardust, right?
New closeups of Jupiter’s moon, Io
Plants may soon be mining metals
A possible “Huge Breakthrough” is spaceship propulsion is announced
A new startup announces plans to mine asteroids
The Urban Fiction Experience is coming to the Hull Street Library in Richmond, VA this May
There are so many different ways in which AI might bring about the end., The Atlantic profiles one
Film & TV
Apparently, this Soylent Green remake with Josh Brolin is fake
Social Commentary
A Booktuber apologizes to Peter S. Beagle for taking a trip down a red pill rabbit hole
A school’s Athletic Director used AI to frame the school’s Principal.
Just For Fun
(’cause Harlan is always entertaining) How Harlan Ellison influenced The Next Generation
Captain Kirk and the Gorn Captain go at it again
Fly a one person helium balloon
AND DON’T FORGET: The serialization of Dave Creek’s Chanda’s Legacy continues tomorrow, Monday, April 29th!
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