Noticias Literatura 3-5

Chronicle of the launch of a history of what is done to bodes after they die, a work of experimental fiction that demands a lot of the reader, and more.

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Noticias Literatura 12-4

A report on the launch of Alejandro Castroguer’s novel The Crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Considered as a Race for Bicycles Uphill, and more. (Spanish)

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Noticias Literatura 5-4

A chronicle of the launch of Tony Jiménez’ horror anthology comic The Guardian of Fear; an interview with Jon Icaro, author of the novel The Healer of Time; and more!

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Man of Two Worlds

Written by Brian Herbert, in collaboration with his gifted father Frank Herbert, this tale first started with a germ of an idea way back in 1983, and was published in 2015. Set in the future, […]

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Noticias Literatura 22-2

An interview with Vicente Verdú, author of the epic fantasy novel “El Elegido de los oscuros”, and a report on a round table discussion of the intersection between science fiction and horror.

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Noticias Literatura 15-2

An interview with Gorka Pera Seijo, autho of “Los supervivientes del arca,” the rules of a new Spanish language writing competition and the announcement of the publication of Spanish speculative fiction magazines.

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