The Game’s a Journey, Not a Destination
Many times a story isn’t so much about what happens at the ending, but rather the journey taken to get there. In fact the “road trip” movies of the 70’s and 80’s are a genre […]

Inviting the Next Generation of Readers to Explore Science Fiction
Veronica interviews Corie Weaver, editor of the Young Explorers’ Adventure Guide series of books, then asks some science fiction romance writers what the first science fiction books they read were.

Book Review: Another Girl, Another Planet by Lou Antonelli
Another Girl, Another Planet is one of those rare optimistic alternate histories that still manages to convey an interesting story.

Those Black Pits on the Moon
What’s in those black pits they’re finding on the Moon? Could be colonists.

BOOK REVIEW: Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes
Steve examines Stephen King’s new–and unique!–novel, Mr. Mercedes.

MOVIE REVIEW: Robocop the Remake—Good, Bad or Ugly?
Robocop 2014: better than the original? Or worse?

An Interview With David Blalock
Adam Gaffen interviews H. David Blalock, author of the Angel Killer trilogy, a series that posits an ancient war between good and evil and evil won. Btw – you’re one of the bad guys….

Scide Splitters: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu
I am not tasked with determining the level of Science Fictionness of How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe. Scide Splitters is far more concerned with whether or not the book makes us laugh – and it does.

It’s easy to discuss authors for their contributions are evident. You just have to read the stories. The great editors are harder to corral, for the editor’s job is one of selection, guidance, subjective acts […]

No. 6 – Theodore Sturgeon, The Next Question, Well-Meaning Scientists and The Evil They Can Cause.
2013 Feb 10 – Theodore Sturgeon, aka/Edward Hamilton Waldo, is best remembered for asking “What’s the next question?” In some portraits, you’ll see Sturgeon wearing a “Q,” with an arrow pointing forward, suspended from a […]
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