Star Wars and Space Problems

Do you remember a very famous quote from Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker Guide of the Galaxy about dimensions in space? “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it […]

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Dirk Gently Revisited

Back in 1978, a young comedy sketch writer sent a script to the BBC’s flagship SF show, Doctor Who. Far from setting hearts fluttering with excitement, its demands for special effects such as time sinks, […]

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Guards! Guards! by Sir Terry Pratchett

Crossroads: Satire and the Fantastic

NOTE: This week’s essay is actually an adapted form of an essay from December 18, 2012 that was originally published at The King of Elfland’s 2nd Cousin. Some changes, however, have been made from the […]

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