Now Let Me Ask You This…

Keith West’s massive market study has revealed that 100% of respondents say that “price” is their over-riding consideration when purchasing books. So when it comes to price – how do you allocate your resources? One ‘expensive’ book or multiple ‘less expensive’ ones?

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Book Review: Tell My Sorrows to the Stones

It’s week five of Six Weeks of Scares. This time out, our subject is a single author collection, namely Tell My Sorrows to the Stones by Christopher Golden. Golden’s work has been highly acclaimed and in horror circles he’s well respected. This book contains a dozen reasons why that’s the case. Golden’s work is of the quiet school of horror, much like that of the late Charles L. Grant. The selections presented here have a wide range of tone and subject matter.

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Book Review: “The Halloween Phantoms”

Last year Cemetery Dance published a series of short story ebooks with the theme of Halloween. I bought all of them, but I wasn’t able to read them all. I could have, but I decided to save a few for this year. So for the fourth week of Six Weeks of Scares, I’m looking at The Halloween Phantoms.

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Review: “The Walker Place”

This is a creepy Halloween tale that isn’t for the faint of heart. If you are uncomfortable with stories in which children are threatened (or worse) with bodily harm, then you might want to give this one a pass

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LoneStarCon 3

Worldcon Hiatus

Just a brief note that I won’t be posting a review this week as I will be at Worldcon.  I’d hoped to have finished Bryan Thomas Schmidt’s New anthology Beyond the Sun, but the day […]

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A Review of Mad Shadows

Mad Shadows: The Weird Tales of Dorgo the Dowser Joe Bonadonna iUniverse trade paper $19.95 ebook $4.99 Kindle Nook When I first came across this book, the title made me think it might be something […]

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Three Dangerous Ladies

With a Silken Fist Tom Doolan Ebook only $2.99 Kindle Smashwords Tom Doolan is a short story writer. He’s also a husband, father, full time graduate student, part time employee, and gamer. This means he […]

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Zombies Out West

Those Poor, Poor Bastards (Dead West #1) Tim Marquitz, J. M. Martin, and Kenny Soward Nine Worlds Media Trade Paper, 212 pp., $6.99, Ebook $2.99 Kindle Nook Smashwords While I’m not exactly what you could […]

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Rediscover the Fires of Nuala

Fires of Nuala Cat Kimbriel Book View Café epub and mobi, $4.99 One of the great things about the ebook revolution is that many authors are making their backlists available. As a result, a number […]

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The Man From Mars Fails as Biography

The Man From Mars: Ray Palmer’s Amazing Pulp Journey Fred Nadis Tarcher Penguin Hardcover $28.95 ebook Kindle $12.74 Nook $14.99 Ray Palmer was a major figure in the science fiction field, and to my knowledge, […]

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