A Review of Blood on my Jets

Blood on my Jets Algis Budrys Wonder eBooks $3.99 Kindle Nook One of the advantages of the ebook revolution is that the work of previous generations of science fiction writers can be brought back into […]

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A Case for Courtesy

The controversy over the SFWA Bulletin that erupted from the SFWA forums onto the wider internet this week brought to mind something that’s been bothering me for quite some time. The total lack of courtesy […]

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Four Reasons to Stay Out of the Water

Tales of Terror: Dark Waters Christopher Fulbright ND3 Press 0.99 Memorial Day is over, June has begun, and summer is upon us. Temperatures are climbing, and people are beginning to seek relief from the heat […]

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In Defense of Digital Book Buying

Stephen King recently stirred up a bit of controversy with his announcement that his next book, Joyland, from Hard Case Crime, will not have an electronic edition. I’m glad he retained his electronic rights and […]

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Fantastic Stories of the Imagination Returns

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination Warren Lapine, ed. Wilder Publications $29.99 hardcover $14.99 trade paper $6.59 Kindle $7.99 Nook In one of its prior incarnations, Amazing Stories® had a sister publication, Fantastic Stories of the […]

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A Review of Blue November Storms

Blue November Storms Brian James Freeman Cemetery Dance Publications Trade Paper $9.99 Electronic $2.99 I haven’t reviewed any horror fiction in my posts here. Considering that I’m focusing on small press and indie published works, […]

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Fiction River Debuts

Fiction River WMG Publishing Six times a year Electronic $6.99 Trade Paper $15.99 I interviewed Kristine Kathryn Rusch two weeks ago about the experience of launching Fiction River via Kickstarter. Fiction River is a new […]

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A Review of Writing Fantasy Heroes

Writing Fantasy Heroes Jason M. Waltz, ed. Rogue Blades Entertainment trade paper, $14.99, ebook $ 7.99 Kindle (There is no other electronic version available that I’m aware of.) Okay, class, today we’re going to have […]

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Racing to Adventure

Race to Adventure! Evil Hat Productions Modular Board Game, $30 This week’s post is going to be a little different. Instead of reviewing a book, I’m going to review a game, or rather I’m going […]

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Zombies, Nazis, and the Spear of Destiny

The Spear of Destiny Jason E. Thummel paperback $12.95 ebook $2.99 Kindle Nook Smashwords Jason E. Thummel is the author of a number of well received heroic fantasy short stories (many collected in the book […]

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Stray Thoughts About the Hugo Nominations

It’s not been the best of weeks.  Plague and pestilence have swept through the household, hitting everyone except me.  How I managed to stay healthy is something of a mystery to me, but I’m not […]

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A Good Old Fashoined Alien Invasion

The Battle for Eden Mark E. Burgess Wildside Press tpb $15.99 ebook $2.99 Kindle  Nook Last week we looked at one half of a double novel. If case you aren’t familiar with the format, they […]

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In Brackett’s Footsteps Under the Ember Star

Under the Ember Star Charles Allen Gramlich Wildside Press tpb $15.99 electronic $2.99 Kindle epub Unless Stephen Haffner has an unpublished manuscript tucked away somewhere, there will be no new stories from Leigh Brackett. Fortunately, […]

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Three Military Fantasy Shorts

For this week, I’m going to do things differently. Rather than review a single work, I’ll look at three stories set in the same universe. One of the reasons I decided to focus my blogging […]

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Swashbuckling with Morticai

Morticai’s Luck Darlene Bolesny Dark Star Books Trade ppb, 245 p., $15.95 Ebook, $5.95 Ever gone to a con and come home with more books than it’s humanly possible to read in a reasonable period […]

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Frogs in Aspic, Like a Box of Chocolates

Frogs in Aspic Keith P. Graham Kindle only $1.99 I’m partial to short fiction, especially lately when I have so many interruptions it seems to take forever to finish a novel. So when a collection […]

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Dead Cosmonauts and Other Eldritch Horrors

Space Eldritch Nathan Shumate, ed. Cold Fusion Media Tpb $13.99, ebook $5.99 Kindle Nook Smashwords Two of the most popular subgenres of the fantastic are space travel (with its myriad sub-subgenres) and cosmic entities with […]

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Five Military SF Novellas by Five Authors

Five by Five Aaron Allston Kevin J. Anderson Loren L. Coleman B. V. Larson Michael A. Stackpole WordFire Press electronic only $4.99 Kindle B&N Kobo Smashwords I thought I’d look at some good old fashioned […]

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What I Mean When I Say…

Over the last year or so, I’ve noticed something when I’ve conversed with people (in person or through email), posted things on my blog, or left comments on someone else’s blog.  We may be using […]

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Opening Salvo

Hi. I’m glad you’re here. Come in, make yourself comfortable, and let me introduce myself. My name is Keith West. I’ve been reading science fiction and fantasy for about 35 years, coming to the genre […]

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