The Changing Face of Science Fiction

Some of the brightest minds in the science fiction industry talk about how they perceived this ever evolving juggernaut, how the science fiction industry had changed since they first found their way into it, and where the industry was headed. What follows is their amazing insight.

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Interview with SFWA Grand Master Robert Silverberg

Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master Robert Silverberg. Mr. Silverberg writes speculative fiction that travels where he wants it to go, pushing aside the traditional limitations with which many writers confine themselves. He has written countless novels and works of short fiction, and his list of non-fiction books is staggering. Mr. Silverberg has been so prolific that his total word count rivals the quantity of stars in the galaxy.

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Abraham Valdelomar, ¿se anticipó a Stephen King?

Para los peruanos, Abraham Valdelomar es una gran promesa literaria truncada. Nacido en 1888, se convirtió en uno de los más importantes cuentistas del país, innovando el género de tal manera que muchos de sus cuentos se han convertido en clásicos indiscutibles de la literatura peruana, como pueden serlo El caballero Carmelo, El hipocampo de oro y otros. Falleció en 1919.

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Joyland paperback cover

Joyland by Stephen King – review

In Stephen King’s best novel in years, 11.22.63 (2011), the veteran author revisited the period of his youth, the 1950s and ‘60s. A character from the present, our present, went back to 1958, encountered love, […]

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In Defense of Digital Book Buying

Stephen King recently stirred up a bit of controversy with his announcement that his next book, Joyland, from Hard Case Crime, will not have an electronic edition. I’m glad he retained his electronic rights and […]

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