The Last Jedi backlash: Some of the fan reaction is truly disturbing
Does everything have to be political? Apparently, yes. Even Star Wars reviews.
Does everything have to be political? Apparently, yes. Even Star Wars reviews.
An overview of some of the problems at this year’s WorldCon in Helsinki.
The debate on the casting of a female Doctor on the show Doctor Who has been highly unfair to fans.
So, a female Doctor is coming. Is the casting really a sign of the apocalypse, as some fanboys would have us believe?
There has been a strong reaction to the announcement that the next Dr. will be played by a woman. This article gives the reaction of some Spanish speculative fiction professionals.
if I had been privileged to see this movie as an impressionable teenager, I would have been profoundly in love with Rey.
Warning: The story recommended in this review contains satire that may cause indigestion in some readers, particularly those who are currently afflicted with Puppy Mania.
Mr. Jackson on the latest internet blowup. And freedom of expression.
Science fiction bikini seems like a simple juxtaposition of words, but examining the phrase reveals much of the cultural and social baggage packed inside.
Tanya offers some thoughts on Gamergate
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is to say that beauty is subjective and, despite the human condition that every one of us shares, is subject to cultural biases as well as […]
A profile of Argentianian author Angelica Gorodischer.
It has long been a fascination that the shonen manga industry has allowed male characters who are not typically masculine to be interesting, complex, and relatable characters, as well as allowing women to take on the roles of young men.
The Doctor is hot. No doubt about that: He may have started out as a cranky old man, a mad scientist, traveling the universe with his granddaughter – but at least since Tom Baker, the […]
How does one reconcile the moral dilemma of liking art from an artist one dislikes on moral grounds?
A profile of one of SF’s leading advocates for women and feminism – and a hell of a writer and critic – Joanna Russ
The ever-evolving role of witches in literature and entertainment is examined.
A look at criticism of Space Dandy and some thoughts with relation to Cowboy Bebop.
I was absolutely delighted when I received a review copy of the highly anticipated Dangerous Women. Dozois and Martin have produced a blockbuster anthology with an all-star lineup of authors.
Are speculative fiction’s attempts at promoting diversity working? Take a selfie to find out…
Como prometido, he aquí el recuento de Fantastika 2013, que se llevara a cabo del 18 al 20 de octubre. El evento se realizó en Dieselverkstaden (Literalmente el taller diesel), un centro cultural a las […]
We’ve been having some pretty wild weather here in the Wairarapa lately, which meant that I’ve been sitting without power for over 24 hours earlier this week. While sitting around waiting for the contractors from the power company to turn up and put me back on the grid, I’ve managed to read myself through a substantial chunk of Stieg Larsson’s “Millenium” trilogy*: finally! I should say!
Octavia Butler era una chica negra, pobre, inusualmente alta, tímida, tartamuda, disléxica y lesbiana. Desde muy joven tuvo una idea bastante clara de lo que era la discriminación en sus muchas formas y utilizó la ciencia ficción para explorar temas sociales antiguos y modernos.
In my last blog, I have been looking at representations of Witches, which are depicted as old women: and I have remarked on the fact that I’ve been hard put to find sufficient images to […]
Not all witches are always out to suck a child’s soul – or fatten them up and eat them
A discussion of women in SF and their progress or lack thereof over the course of the past half-century.
I am glad that I’ve never had to defend myself and what I love because of something so trivial as my gender expression. I can only hope that the entirety of fandom can grow to this point and further as dialogues surrounding hobbies and sexism continue to spring forth.
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