Reseña de libro: Antología de Escritoras Españolas de Ciencia Ficción 2. Poshumanas.
A review of the second Posthuman anthology
Noticias Literatura 1-11-17
News of TerBi, new novel releases and “The search for identity in gender literature” presentation + colloquium.
Noticias Literatura 25-10
News of the latest Spanish language speculative fiction releases, as well as a horror symposium.
Noticias Literatura 11-10
News of upcoming Spanish language speculative fiction novels and other publications.
Noticias Literatura 4-10
Announcement of the next Terbi conference, as well as the launch of the novel “Mañana cruzaremos el Ganges” by Ekaitz Ortega.
Noticias Literatura 31-5
News of the Ignotus Award (the Spanish Hugos), the publication of El Club de los Etéreos by Aniel Dominic, and more!
Novedades de Febrero
New book and magazine releases, news of conventions and calls for contributions of interest to Spanish speakers interested in speculative fiction.
Novedades de Octubre y Noviembre en Hispanoamérica
Como la semana pasada “Computer said no” y no pude publicar mis novedades de octubre, pues ahora publico dos pájaros de un solo tiro. Aquí van Octubre Libros Órbita Juracán: Cuentos cubanos de ciencia ficción […]
Noticias Literatura 23-11-16
News from the world of Spanish language speculative fiction, this week including the publication of two short story collections.
Noticias Literatura 14-9
News from the world of Spanish speculative fiction includes the closing of Espiral Ciencia-Ficción and new releases.
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