Steve looks at Netflix’s new SF offering by The Wachowskis and J. Michael Straczinski. The season starts slowly but begins to build quickly after episode 1.

Space Princesses: Royalty in Science Fiction
“For God’s sake let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories about the death of kings.” Richard 11, Act 3, Scene 2 Shakespeare knew how to entertain a crowd and teach history at […]

Steve revisits a favourite–classic–“spy spoof” from the ’60s. Many people loved these James Coburn films!

Con Report: Dragoncon 2014 (with over 100 pictures!)
The Gaffen family attends Dragoncon 2014 and comes back with LOTS of pictures

Steve gets all excited over a shared-universe anthology series. And tells you where to get FREE SF!

Marvel’s Biggest Gamble
With GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY becoming the first film of 2014 to cross the $300 million barrier and with it claiming the domestic box office champion ship from fellow Marvel alumni CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER […]

The Top Ten Best Superhero Movies of All Time
Who has the most iconic villains in the land? Read on to find out.

Hello Summer, Goodbye – After The Blockbusters, After The Hugos Have Gone
Gary Dalkin looks back on the state of science fiction as another summer of massive budget SF and fantasy spectacles draws to a close. It seems this summer may have been a little better than those of late. The latest Michael Bay atrocity aside, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Godzilla received enthusiastic receptions and almost everyone loved Guardians of the Galaxy, which achieved the near impossible feat of pleasing fans, delighting general audiences and entering the popular culture as a new phenomenon in its own right.

Vote for your Favorite Guardians of the Galaxy Character
Let us know who your favorite Guardian is (or pick a villian, the choie is yours).

The Long, Strange Trip of Peter Quill
For Star-Lord, the Guardians of the Galaxy movie is the end of a…well, a space odyssey.

Why Do We Love Super Hero Movies?
There are no super heroes in real life – that’s why we go to the movies!

AMAZING NEWS: June 29, 2014
Amazing News isn’t always amazing…sometimes it’s just Startling, or merely Astounding, or somewhat Thrilling…or maybe even Unknown….

The End of the Summer Blockbuster
Musings on the birth and development of the strange media behemoth – the summer blockbuster

Pirates of the Final Frontier
The Guardians of the Galaxy isn’t Marvel Comics’ only space-faring team.

The Best of Comic-Con 2013
Ok, before I start, this is my personal preference, so you may or may not agree with these, but here are my personal favourite highlights of Comic-Con 2013. I’ve been enjoying Comic-Con from the comfort […]

My top 10 SF and fantasy picks for the big-screen treatment
Science fiction and fantasy are taking over the realm of the Hollywood summer blockbuster, no question about it. Marvel Studios is gearing up to launch the Avengers franchise into space with the forthcoming Guardians of […]
Alex Kane
Alex Kane is an author, blogger, and critic whose work has appeared in Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, Digital Science Fiction, and Foundation, among other places. He lives in the small college town of Monmouth, Illinois, where he earned a B.A. in English, and was recently named a finalist in the international Writers of the Future contest. Visit him online at alexkanefiction.com.
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