Steve’s new Halloween column this month tries to do teeny-tiny reviews of 27 movies. Let us know if he succeeds or falls flat on his face.
Steve’s new Halloween column this month tries to do teeny-tiny reviews of 27 movies. Let us know if he succeeds or falls flat on his face.
The Bram Stoker novel about a bloodsucker has a short passage about how he got to England. This movie takes that portion of the well-known book and expands it. Steve thinks you’ll like it (a lot).
In probably his longest column ever, Steve talks about the movies (and a TV show or two) that he watched every night this month in preparation for a spooky, isolated Halloween!
Steve, not being much of a gamer, was unimpressed by the blurb for the TV version of The Witcher. Did he change his mind when he actually saw the series? Find out for yourself!
Steve’s second Halloween column this month, in which he tries to do teeny-tiny reviews of 27 movies. Let us know if he succeeds or falls flat on his face.
Tod Browning’s adaptation of A Merritt’s Burn, Witch Burn! was less faithful to the source material than a Mexican film based on the same material, but was technically a much better film.
Seventy-nine years after Orson Welles terrified America with The War of the Worlds, BBC Radio productions of The Omen and The Unquenchable Thirst of Dracula prove that the medium retains its power to chill.
It’s that spooky time of year again when thoughts turn to scary books and movies. I decided to ask two of my favorite groups on Facebook – the Science fiction Romance Brigade and the SciFi […]
This week, Steve travels back to Ancient Egypt with Boris Karloff as “The Mummy.” No CGI, but scarier than Brendan Fraser’s “Mummy”!
Steve travels back to 1922 to look at the first vampire movie, Nosferatu, and its influence on modern vampire movies.
For Halloween, Steve looks at one of the oldest, and perhaps the best-known “monster movie” of them all, James Whale’s “Frankenstein,” starring Boris Karloff.
Gary Dalkin completes his survey of the books he read in 2014
There’s nothing classical about The Strain’s take on bloodsuckers….
Good horror needs convincing actors. Hammer Films delivered.
A journey down Lugosi lane: a documentary on the famous Dracula star leads to the discovery of Kim Newman’s mashup – Anno Dracula.
Predators hide in plain site, leveraging the social rules of their environment to help them identify, isolate, and manipulate their prey.
Hammer Films had been the leading horror producer for 13 years, but by the dawn of the 70s, the studio sometimes gave the impression that it was flailing around like a vampire in a shaft of sunlight.
Da Vinci’s Demons has been the unexpected highlight of the last three months. The life of one Leonardo da Vinci given a mysterious new age spin which turns an already fascinating historical concept into compelling […]
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley, while on holiday, visited Lord Byron’s Villa Diodati near Lake Geneva in 1816. Percy Shelley, her lover and future husband, and two close friends entertained Lord Byron, over several days, with […]
On Monday Skyfall was released on Blu-ray and DVD in the UK. Tomorrow Cloud Atlas will open in UK cinemas. Two films, poles apart. Skyfall, the 23th entry in probably the world’s longest running and […]
For a long time I paid no attention to the writing of Joyce Carol Oates. But I kept seeing her mentioned in the context of modern American Gothic, being recommended by writers whose work I […]
With zombie rom-com Warm Bodies opening to strong reviews and good box-office last week zombies have moved out of the horror ghetto into the PG13 friendly mainstream. This is a remarkable development, but what is […]
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