The Orville, DAW Books, SMOFs, SFWA and more feature in this week’s fannish news roundup
The Orville, DAW Books, SMOFs, SFWA and more feature in this week’s fannish news roundup
Barsoom, bilingual posts, anime roundups and DAWS’ recent purchase feature in this weeks most popular posts
Unstable planetary orbits, space debris, Stranger Things and some advice on how to watch major motion pictures
Award news from comics to crime; Fannish news, from Bradbury to bomb threats!
Boy, some folks are apparently systematically reading every post on the site, going all the way back to December of 2012!
A very mixed bag of post subjects fill out our most popular posts this weel
Hmmm – Face Mites…coronal mass ejections, self-aware computer programs, blimps and more. Geez, the world sure is a science fiction place!
Numerous awards this week, plus some good news from Uncle Hugo’s
The most popular posts of the week were all over the place last week – from reviews to fiction and all inbetween
Review bombs, Chinese censoreship, AM may have revealed itself, better hope your name isn’t Gorrister, Benny, Ellen, Nimdok or Ted….
Streamer ratings, short SF films, Arthur C. Clarke and the Black Film Archive round out our most popular posts from the previous week.
Audiofile magazine’s Best of, Wil Wheaton, Tananarive Due, Steven Barnes, Best American SF&F, more
Reviews, new releases, free fiction all round out out top reads this past week
Lots of news and variety this week…Star Trek, space stations, speculation on Elon Musk’s motivations, Star Wars, Levar Burton, Daniel M. Kimmel, David Brin, Paul Di Filippo, John Carpenter’s The Thing…we packed just about everything in this week. Check it out!
Balticon kerfuffle, Twitter opens its door to a troll (again), Hugo voter packet, classic SF review and more
Reviews & streaming popularity, Free fiction, SFWA, Ed Wood, Lolita Fashion and Space Merchants round out our most popular posts for the week.
Cora Buhlert: Notes on Self-Published Science Fiction Competition Semi-finalists [In the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition, created by Hugh Howey and Duncan Swan, ten teams of book bloggers – including Team File 770 – just finished […]
Trek. Lots and lots of Trek. Congress uncovers a Fan during hearings; Black Mirror, Babylon 5, ISS, Starliner and lots, lots more
2022 Nebula Awards; Nommo shortlist, Tomorrow Prize, other awards and Twitter bans someone for the third time.
Classic SF Serial shows, convention coverage, pulp lit reviews and more
New TV episodes and series, Black Hole pics, Lunar Eclipse tonight, more
Your got your pointy awards here. You got your French awards, your Scandinavian awards, your awards named for fish authors and awards named for steam engine workers, you got your….
Arthur C. Clarke, Sword & Sorcery, Pulp Lit, Croatian National SF convention, Del Rey Boom & Bust, more
Allegiance now streaming; Boeing Starliner’s window falls off; Quatermas; David Brin, more
Hugo Award bases; LDV acquired, Peanuts stamps, GAMA vs JDA and more
Virgil Finlay, Bob Madle, Amazing Stories Quarterly…it looks like an old time reunion this week in our most popular posts
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