AudioFile Magazine’s Best Sci-Fi & Fantasy Audiobooks of 2022—So Far!
Audiofile Magazine calls these the nine best sff audiobooks to appear in the first half of 2022. SIREN QUEEN by Nghi Vo| Read by Natalie Naudus [Macmillan Audio | 8.75 hrs.] Review Natalie Naudus’s skilled narration adds to the luminous

Pixel Scroll 6/11/22 In The Beginning There Was Nothing But Rocks. And Then Somebody Scrolled A Pixel
THE FUR IS FLYING. Flayrah’s Tantroo McNally suspects the number of furry fandom’s Ursa Major awards voters who make a dispassionate assessment of quality is being overwhelmed by devoted fans of specific popular franchises and creators that campaign for

Wil Wheaton Q&A
Wil Wheaton joined AudioFile Magazine’s Michele Cobb to discuss the audiobook of his “annotated memoir,” Still Just A Geek. In addition to his acting and producing work, Wheaton has narrated audiobooks by John Scalzi, Andy Weir, and Ernest Cline. He tells

Pixel Scroll 6/10/22 My Name Is Tsundoko, Stack Of Books; Look On My Pages, Pixels, And Despair
COSTA BOOK AWARDS RETIRED. “Costa book awards scrapped suddenly after 50 years” reported the Guardian today. The Costa book awards, after running for half a century, have been abruptly scrapped. The coffee shop chain has said the 2021 awards, which

Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due to be Guests of Honor at Chicon 8
Chicon 8, the 2022 World Science Fiction Convention, has announced Steven Barnes and Tananarive Due as additional Guests of Honor for this year’s Worldcon. They join Chicon’s roll of Guests of Honor including artist Floyd Norman, fans Joe Siclari and

Pixel Scroll 6/9/22 I Scrolled This Pixel Five Times And All I Got Was This Lousy Scroll Title
MONSTROUS WORD STUDY. At CrimeReads, Ellen Datlow discusses the nature of monsters from the introduction to her anthology Screams From The Dark. “Monstrosity Is in the Eye of the Beholder”. …In Old English, the monster Grendel was an “aglæca,”

Review: In the Orbit of Sirens
In T. A. Bruno’s In the Orbit of Sirens, a Self-Published Science Fiction Competition finalist, the remnants of the human race have fled the solar system ahead of an alien culture that is assimilating everyone in reach.

Pixel Scroll 6/8/22 Goodness, Gracious, Great Scrolls Of Fur
BIG RESPONSE. The “Send Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki to Worldcon” GoFundMe appeal passed its $7,000 goal in just over a day. A total of $7,460 has been raised from 156 donors at this writing. (2) WHEN THE MOON HITS YOUR

Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2022 ToC Released
Series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor Rebecca Roanhorse have released their selections for the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2022. From the large number of stories that series editor John Joseph Adams screened for this year’s collection, he

Pixel Scroll 6/7/22 Don’t Step On My Blue Suede Stepping Disks
RUSSIA PUTS SF WRITER ON WANTED LIST. [Item by Olav Rokne.] Popular Russian science fiction author Dmitry Glukhovsky has been put on a list for prosecution based on his anti-war comments. He’s one of the first major figures to be

Cats Sleep on SFF: Strange Monsters
Sarah Jones says Haviland’s weekend read is Strange Monsters of the Recent Past by Howard Waldrop. Makes a great snack, too! Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs

Akira Exhibition in Berlin
AKIRA: The Architecture of Neo Tokyo: Through September 4, 2022 at the Tchoban Foundation. Museum for Architectural Drawing; Christinenstraße 18a, 10119 Berlin, Germany Neo Tokyo. Super! The opening scenes of Akira tell the story of how Neo Tokyo has surfaced

2022 SFPA Poetry Contest Opens
The 2022 SFPA Speculative Poetry Contest is taking entries through August 31. The contest is open to all poets, including non-SFPA-members. Prizes will be awarded for best unpublished poem in three categories: Dwarf (poems 1–10 lines [prose poems 0–100 words]) Short (11–49

Pixel Scroll 6/6/22 Make Your Own Kind Of Pixel, Even When Nobody Else Scrolls Along
FUND OGHENECHOVWE DONALD EKPEKI’S TRIP TO CHICON 8. Jason Sanford has set up a GoFundMe that will “Send Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki to Worldcon”. Donate at the link. This year Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki became the first African writer to win

Emails From Lake Woe-Is-Me — Fit the Thirty-Fourth
[Introduction: Melanie Stormm continues her humorous series of posts about the misdirected emails she’s been getting. Stormm is a multiracial writer who writes fiction, poetry, and audio theatre. Her novella, Last Poet of Wyrld’s End is available through Candlemark &

Pixel Scroll 6/5/22 Scroll, Scroll, Scroll, Went The Pixel. Fifth, Fifth, Fifth Went The File
HUGO ARCHAEOLOGY. Rich Horton continues his project to fill in the blanks with “Hugo Nomination Recommendations, 1956” at Strange at Ecbatan. Potential Hugo Awards for 1955 Stories (1956 Hugos) I admit now — this has become a project for

Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask: A Column of Unsolicited Opinions #66
Interrogatives Without Answers: Mercedes Lackey and Stephanie Burke By Chris M. Barkley: “Falsehood will fly, as it were, on the wings of the wind, and carry its tales to every corner of the earth; whilst truth lags behind; her steps,


2022 Lambda Literary Awards
The winners of the were announced in a virtual ceremony on June 11. The award winner in the sff category is listed below. The complete list of winners is here. LGBTQ SPECULATIVE FICTION No Gods, No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull,

2022 Ursa Major Awards
The winners of the , presented annually for “excellence in the furry arts”, were announced May 15 in a YouTube video. (Note: The video refers to them as the 2022 awards, while the Ursa Major Awards website

Annie Koyama to Receive 2022 Clampett Humanitarian Award
Annie Koyama and her Koyama Provides program is the 2022 recipient of the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award. The award will be presented by Ruth Clampett, Bob’s daughter, during the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards Ceremony on July 22. Annie is the founder of

2022 Utopia Award Nominees
The nominees for the inaugural Utopia Awards, to be given in connection with The Climate Fiction Conference (#CliFiCon22), were announced on June 6. Public voting for the 2022 Utopia Awards will take place from August 1 – August 21. The

2022 Colorado Book Awards Finalists
The finalists for the 2022 Colorado Book Awards have been announced. Awards are presented in 15 categories by Colorado Humanities to celebrate the accomplishments of Colorado’s outstanding authors, editors, illustrators, and photographers. The winners will be announced on June 25, 2022. Works

2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards
The 2022 MTV & TV Awards were announced in a ceremony aired on June 5. Genre was heavily represented, including numerous wins by films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here are the winners of genre interest. The complete list is here.

2022 ITW Thriller Awards
The International Thriller Writers announced the 2022 Thriller Awards at ThrillerFest XVII on Saturday, June 4 in New York City. BEST HARDCOVER NOVEL S. A. Cosby – RAZORBLADE TEARS (Flatiron Books) BEST AUDIOBOOK S. A. Cosby – RAZORBLADE TEARS (Macmillan)

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Amazing News: 6/12/22

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