Retro Review – The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
A retro review that contends that Zahn’s trilogy should have been the basis for the second Star Wars film trilogy
A retro review that contends that Zahn’s trilogy should have been the basis for the second Star Wars film trilogy
The War of the Worlds; a retro-review of the greatest alien invasion story of all time
The key to making Prelude to Foundation work is Seldon himself and, like many of Asimov’s other scientist-heroes, he works.
Continuing thoughts on the SF Canon discussion, other voices heard from.
The book’s greatest weakness, however, is that it ties the Foundation to the Robots universe. I don’t dislike the robots, but I think they’re a step too far for the universe.
Very little was known about the Second Foundation, ensuring its survival in a hostile universe.
Foundation and Empire presents the Foundation with a challenge from a past that cements it’s position, then knocks everything out of kilter – subverting the whole series.
Asimov was feeling his way into the Foundation universe – and it’s largely unique character – and it shows.
A modern day empire builder looks back on one of his influences in this re-read of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov
Chris Nuttal[ offers his latest retro review of one of Heinlein’s more controversial, later novels.
Chris Nuttall summarizes his recent retro reviews and continues discussing one of fandom’s perpetual subjects.
Chris Nuttall takes a look at one of Heinlein’s most controversial novels.
Unlike Starship Troopers, Stranger in a Strange Land is an outdated novel.
There is something more than a little disturbing about how Luna treats woman…
Battlestar Galactica’s flaws are outshined by the sheer amount of work that went into the series and, in many ways, the performance of the cast.
Chris Nuttal takes another look at Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.
Being a largely cerebral story, Death Note simply doesn’t lend itself very well to the TV screen. I was therefore unenthused when Netflix announced that it would turn Death Note into a movie.
One of the charges leveled at the Sad Puppies is that they are against ‘diverse’ characters in books (and comics, movies, TV shows, etc.) The people who level these charges are, essentially, accusing the Sad Puppies of racism, that the only reason they could possibly have for objecting to these characters is their race (or gender, or sexuality, or whatever.) It is a fairly obvious rhetorical trap. By asserting that racism is the only reason to object to these characters, they brand the Sad Puppies as racists.
Live Free or Die -John Ringo Reviewing Live Free or Die is a complicated task. I like the book, I think it’s the best Ringo book since Gust Front, but there are a handful of […]
Different worlds, different science. Chris Nuttall introduces us to one of his favorite themes.
The Empire’s Core series (eight books in all) now has a new companion. Chris gives you the details.
Black Magic Academy isn’t your classic school story with magic. Not really.
I broke with my standard rule of not buying hardbacks from a new author until I’d actually read the work. Do I regret that decision? It’s hard to say…
Without Hitler, Nazi Germany doesn’t declare war on the United States; instead, saner men take the helm and use more rational policies to bring the USSR to its knees
The world of the Draka is the dark reflection of our own world. The core idea behind the series is that refugees from British North America settle South Africa (captured in the war) instead of Canada.
Himmler’s War by Robert Conroy Writing alternate history (and period fiction) is a tricky task. There is always the temptation to bend details for the sake of a good story – and then there will […]
Crisis of Empire (David Drake, Thomas T. Thomas, W.C. Dietz, Roger MacBride Allen and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.) -An Honorable Defence -Cluster Command -The War Machine -Crown of Empire Somewhat irritatingly, I was pointed to this […]
Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Baen; First Edition edition (December 1, 1987) First Citizen by Thomas T. Thomas Julius Caesar is one of the few figures from Ancient History to be recognisable almost everywhere, although most of what […]
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