I’ve been very pleased of late to see several of our foreign language offerings fairly highly placed in the stats. I consider it a reflection of our community’s desire to expand its cultural reach and to create a community that is truly international in scope. It won’t be too much longer now before translation programs work really well and the last barrier to online communication will be largely eliminated.
When Science Fiction is Not Science Fiction
When Science Fiction IS Science Fiction
Interview with Pat Mills, Founder of 2000AD
“Will people be in costume?” How mainstream media sees SF fans.
There’s Something About Night Vale
Deconstructing Horror: Haunted Houses
More Women in Science Fiction
What the %&*# is Perry Rhodan?
Playing the Short Game: How to Sell Your Short Fiction (Part 30)
More Science Fiction Poetry Awards – The Rhysling Award
Fan Survey: Are You A Fan? What Kind?
James Tiptree Jr. / Alice Sheldon: Acerca de la identidad de género
Worldcon Report
Bundling Ebooks With Print Versions
An Introduction to the Empire’s Corps
Saving Doctor Who – Episode 2: Arcs, Horror and Screwdrivers
Pirates on Dinosaur Island: An Interview with Mark Edwards
Memories of the World Science Fiction Convention 2013
We are a Starfaring Species
Farm Animals, Singing, Time and the Excellence in SF Denialism Award
Interview with Chad Connell from The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
El Güije, el cagüeyro, la tatagua y otros seres de la mitología cubana
Carniculture in Science Fiction and Real Life
Animanga: Surprisingly Not A Man’s World
Friday’s Fanzine
Review: The Given Sacrifice by S.M. Stirling
IAAA Gallery: Michael C. Turner – Galactic Visionary
Epic Fantasy Analysis September 09, 2013
Team Marvel or Team DC?
An Elegy to Pohl
¿Qué está Pasando en AS? Literatura del Género versus “Mainstream”
Playing the Short Game: How to Sell Your Short Fiction (Part 3)
Women in Armour vs. Chicks in Chain-mail
The Tom Swift Jr. Series
Apology & Circumstance
Playing the Short Game: How to Sell Your Short Fiction (Part 31)
The Artful Collector: State of the Art at the 71st Worldcon
Writing on Paper
Playing the Short Game: How to Sell Your Short Fiction (Part 1)
News That Can’t Wait Till Sunday
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