2015 Poetry Recap plus Review – Haiku of the Dead
Internationally domiciled Diane gets back to reviewing some genre poetry
Internationally domiciled Diane gets back to reviewing some genre poetry
An Interview with the author of “The Ballad of Brazomar”, Peter Andrew.
Carolyn Clink’s poetry exhibits an astonishing variety of form, subject and genre.
Unidentified Funny Objects returns with its fourth annual anthology, this time engaging a theme of dark humor and including stories from the likes of George R. R. Martin, Mike Resnick, Eric Kaplan, Tim Pratt, Piers Anthony, Jody Lynn Nye, Gini Koch, Esther Friesner and more.
Beautiful Intelligence is a bracingly imaginative novel. By choosing to operate within a realistic, post-crash, dystopian cyberpunkish framework Stephen Palmer has written his most accessible and commercial work to-date.
If John Bunyan had dropped acid while writing The Pilgrim’s Progress…
50s redux – Super Science Fiction!
Hispanoamerica’s May offerings – books, events, radio appearances and even a new magazine!
Poems about stealthy alien invasion, alien colonization, trans-dimensional relationships, Amazons, gods, hillbillies and hicks, horticulture, uplifted animals, and bugs – lots of bugs.
Nestor Toledo’s collection of short stories flirts with the divide between hard and soft science fiction.
The latest Retrieval Artist novel – Starbase Human – will throw you some curves.
Wendy Rathbone’s latest collection – with a side of poetry omnibi
Andrew P. Weston’s best seller goes international, and Amazing Stories can share in the credit!
A special dystopian fiction magazine issue and a micro-story contest
A job in the field!, magazines, books, radio, conventions and on the web – all the latest!
In my next poetry review I bring you the new collection of Poetry Grandmaster Bruce Boston – Resonance Dark and Light, chock full of genre poetry goodness!
The Peyti Crisis: Rusch deftly manages to handle a large cast of characters without missing a beat
Swords of Steel is a heavy metal anthology that takes us back to the art of traditional fantasy storytelling by painting heroes and villains as dark as the realms they inhabit.
We know Leonard NImoy wrote poetry, but did he haiku?
Scide Splitters reviews an anthology of dark comedies originally published by the people that brought you such fine car repair manuals as Dune.
Conventions, comics, new book releases and more – all in spanish!
A round-up of new French small presses publishing genre fiction.
Space Pirates! (Really. What more do you need than to hear those two words? Arrrrrrrrr shiver me airlocks and space the scurvy dogs!
Rusch pulls off another taught thriller with A Murder of Clones.
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