Noticias Literatura 26-7

The republication of a classic Elia Barceló novel, the call for nominations for the 17th Manuel de Pedrolo Award – City of Mataró competition for works of science fiction in Catalan, and more news of interest to Spanish speaking speculative fiction fans.

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Noticias Literatura 12-7

An overview of the rules of the 2017 Domingo Santos Award for short stories and the launch of “Ambition to the Light of the Moon” by Robert E. Howard.

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Improbable Interviews – Adam Roberts

I have recently edited a new anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories about fantastical flora. The book, Improbable Botany, features authors who between them have won the Arthur C Clarke, British Science Fiction Association, […]

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Noticias Literatura 5-7

The launch of Sergi Álvarez’ satirical novel The Silencer and a description of the latest issue of “Science Fiction Studies” focused on Spanish SF.

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Novedades de Mayo

Publication of books and magazines, events and other things of interest to Spanish speaking speculative fiction fans.

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Noticias Literatura 7-6

Fallo del VII Certamen TerBi de Relato Temático Fantástico “Universos paralelos” Fallo del VII Certamen TerBi de Relato Temático Fantástico “Universos paralelos” En Bilbao, a 3 de junio de 2017, se hace público el fallo […]

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