This week Steve throws a few spoilers into a review of Alien: Covenant. You might want to wait until you’ve seen the movie before you read this review. Just a friendly note.
This week Steve throws a few spoilers into a review of Alien: Covenant. You might want to wait until you’ve seen the movie before you read this review. Just a friendly note.
Who wouldn’t be discombobulated, finding oneself expelled from suspended animation amid the remains of a starship scattered across an alien world?
It seems that all good fantasy artists head for Hollywood
This week Steve looks at two movies and an anthology. Great anthology, one lousy film and one… what?
How long after is too long? Returning to a great original is fraught with difficulties at any time, but the more time goes by, the more the problems compound.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_hYs1jBy8Y&w=570&h=321] You can almost smell the rain, feel it hammer the leather of your trenchcoat. Hear the harmonic buzz of blue neon all around you. You can taste the Tsingtao, bubbly and cool on […]
According to my extensive academic research over at Wikipedia this afternoon, the third installment in Fox’s Alien Quadrilogy (’Cause why use the word tetralogy, right? What a lousy word . . .) went through development hell for several […]
Last Saturday, I spent my morning on the couch with a debilitating migraine, wondering what karmic injustice I’d committed in order to deserve being so miserable on my weekend off. But like the glass-half-full seeker […]
On Monday Skyfall was released on Blu-ray and DVD in the UK. Tomorrow Cloud Atlas will open in UK cinemas. Two films, poles apart. Skyfall, the 23th entry in probably the world’s longest running and […]
There was no movie in 2012 that I looked forward to seeing more than Prometheus. It was being produced by Ridley Scott, the same man who produced Alien and Blade Runner. Unfortunately it wasn’t really […]
It recently struck me how most of the films that, IMHO, were truly scary were the ones that had little or no digital special effects. The reason is simple: what makes something scary is mostly […]
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