Rumour has it that they’re going to make either a new Destroyer movie or a new TV series. No, this isn’t about ships or a Marvel MCU thing. It’s about “Remo Williams,” who is the avatar of Shiva, The Destroyer. Still have no clue? Read on…

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Ender's Game film poster

Ender’s Game Over

I have a personal rule not to get involved in online discussions which have the potential to turn fractious. Yesterday I made the mistake of responding to a kindly put question on a well known […]

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Who Do You Blame in a Science Fiction World?

Blaming someone for something is part of human nature. Domestic Batterers blame their victims. Evangelists blame the devil, or sometimes God for bad things happening. Even Christians often blame God, remarking “How can God let […]

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Invasion of the Movie Snatchers

We live in a cinematic age of remakes, reboots and re-imaginings. Even new movies like The Hobbit feel like pictures that have gone before. This is hardly a new experience. Long before he became President […]

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