The Forgotten Grimshaw

John Atkinson Grimshaw was a Victorian artists whose moonlight landscapes depict a forgotten Victorian age when the night had a palpable sense of terror.

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Do you Like Monsters?

That’s right, FAMOUS MONSTERS, Forrest. J. Ackerman’s beloved magazine that sported covers featuring wonderful portraits of famous monsters, most of which were painted by artist Basil Gogos.

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Things for Halloween

Warm up your cauldrons, grab your grimoires, and ready the goats for sacrificing; it’s that time of the year, again. And to put you in the spirit for All Hallows Eve, I’ve compiled this list of some of my favorite scary / Halloween themed things.

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Book Review: “The Halloween Phantoms”

Last year Cemetery Dance published a series of short story ebooks with the theme of Halloween. I bought all of them, but I wasn’t able to read them all. I could have, but I decided to save a few for this year. So for the fourth week of Six Weeks of Scares, I’m looking at The Halloween Phantoms.

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Review: “The Walker Place”

This is a creepy Halloween tale that isn’t for the faint of heart. If you are uncomfortable with stories in which children are threatened (or worse) with bodily harm, then you might want to give this one a pass

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