Things for Halloween

necronomiconWarm up your cauldrons, grab your grimoires, and ready the goats for sacrificing; it’s that time of the year, again. And to put you in the spirit for All Hallows Eve, I’ve compiled this list of some of my favorite scary / Halloween themed things.

YouTube Videos:



The Raven — read by James Earl Jones:

Stephen King’s N:

Buckethead — Spokes for the Wheel of Torment:

Immortal — Call of the Wintermoon:


IT — Stephen King

The Metamorphosis — Kafka

Dracula — Bram Stoker

Neonomicon — Alan Moore

Dante’s Inferno (Allen Mandelbaum’s translation) — Dante Alighieri

Frankenstein — Mary Shelley

Necronomicon: Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft — H. P. Lovecraft


American Werewolf in Paris


The Blair Witch Project

The Changeling

John Dies at the End

Jacob’s Ladder

The Shining



The Exorcist

In the Mouth of Madness

Video Games:

Alan Wake (Xbox, PC)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent (PC)

Resident Evil (remake) (Game Cube, Wii)


Pumpking — Pumpkin Ale

Black Cauldron — Imperial Stout

The Poet — Oatmeal Stout

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