Novedades de enero

Bolivian anthology series Supernova releases the third edition, Editorial Cthulhu has published his third anthology: “HORROR QUEER, Rosarium Publisher announces 2018 plans; magazines, events and more

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Guest Editorial: Words Matter, Actions Matter and Race Definitely Matters by Chris M. Barkley

“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When I finished reading Christopher Nuttal’s editorial, “A Character Who Happens To Be Black” for the first time, I found myself remembering an oft told story about Nichelle Nichols, the actress who played Lt. Uhura on Star Trek.

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Noticias Literatura 22-2

An interview with Vicente Verdú, author of the epic fantasy novel “El Elegido de los oscuros”, and a report on a round table discussion of the intersection between science fiction and horror.

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Noticias Literatura 15-2

An interview with Gorka Pera Seijo, autho of “Los supervivientes del arca,” the rules of a new Spanish language writing competition and the announcement of the publication of Spanish speculative fiction magazines.

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