Newly Translated Christian Texts Discuss “Demon Circles” and“Wizard Battles”
Yet another effect of “canonization”
Yet another effect of “canonization”
CHON – Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen – the building blocks of life. If you’re thinking Pohl’s Gateway, you’d be right.
That meteorite that ‘might’ have had microbes in it has been found to have evidence of ancient Martian water. Maybe.
hypersonic testbeds will serve as a catalyst in sparking a renaissance in hypersonic technologies
Years from now we’ll discover that there is ice everywhere in the solar system
It’s called Panspermia and it’s not a new theory
Consciousness pervades the cosmos. Maybe that’s why Fermi’s Paradox?
RuPaul’s Drag Race is canon in the Marvel universe…
If girls can be superheroes, boys can be princesses. (Girls can be princesses too)
Recent research suggests that human’s irrational behavior can be explained by quantum probability theory
Coronavirus isn’t the only plague coming out of China….
awwwww. now we’ll have to search elsewhere to find a faster than light drive. (Besides, we like running images of tardigrades…)
Mark Hamill writes that “love is love/whatever floats your boat”. Wonder if his father thinks that way…?
New calculation suggest there may be TWO black holes at the center of our galaxy
Russians on the Moon. With a permanent base, even!
Water ice close to the surface is critical for Mars missions. NASA just released a map of where it can be found.
“Only literary fiction and other genres are typically not only disallowed but actively sneered at.”
There have been varying reports on who that might be, and most rumors have pegged Richard Madden’s character Ikaris as the one.
Investigating cryptocurrency might be more profitable than investigating cryptozoology
Wonder Woman is back…in 1984
So far as we know, they can’t be used for FTL travel
Shouldn’t that headling be “Noe Finn-Poe”?
Nine scary tales but like all things that go bump in the night some were chilling and some heartbreaking and some, well some too close to reality.
We’ve now identified three intersteallar visitors…and there are billions of comets in the Oort Cloud. Could it be that most of them are from other stars?
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