The Rise of Audio Books

Michael J. Sullivan explores the world of audio books and subsidiary rights: Should you hang on to them? Will they be a significant source of income? Just how well are audio works doing?

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Race to the Bottom – A follow up

Recently I wrote a post The Race to the Bottom, where I talked about the disturbing trend of low priced ebooks. After the post went live I had an excellent discussion on line with a number of people. That conversation made me think about the various factors in today’s landscape so it begged for a follow-up piece.

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Demystifying Contracts #5: Agency – When Things Go Bad

In my last article: Demystifying Contracts #4: Agency – Terminating Contracts I was exploring the tip of an iceberg…in that case it was what happens when you no longer are getting along with your agent and would like to find another one. But this is just one of the possible problems that may occur and when evaluating the contract. There are others, and in fact it is best to look at a contract considering all the various worst case scenarios. So let’s look at some.

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Some Thoughts About Free Ebooks

Ever since Amazon announced it’s Amazon Select program (December 2011) the plethora of free books has significantly decreased the effectiveness of this type of promotion.

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Epic Fantasy Analysis September 27, 2013

Sorry, I ran this data a few days ago but didn’t have time to finish the analysis.  Once again it’s time to take a closer look at the Amazon’s Epic Fantasy Bestseller list for the Kindle. […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis August 18, 2013

Traditional publishing continues to dominate with 56% of the books published through that route. Self-publishing still is doing well with nearly 40%. Small press and Amazon titles makes up very few of the overall list.

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Marketing 101: Walk Before You Run

I think one of the biggest mistakes that authors make with regards to marketing is spending huge amounts of time that will produce very few results.  This is usually a byproduct of being excited that […]

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Marketing 101: Book giveaways

I’m often asked what is the “biggest bang for your buck” from a marketing perspective, and the answer is hands down: Book Giveaways.  But here’s the thing.  They have to be done the “right way.” […]

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Marketing 101: Start with the Right Attitude

Marketing.  Is there any other word that instills more fear in a writer? I don’t think so.  When authors talk about marketing, here are the things commonly mentioned: I’m an introvert; I don’t want to […]

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