Publishing is not a Lottery

If I had a $1 for every time I read online about how publishing is like the lottery, I wouldn’t have to write books any more.  I’m not sure where this notion got started, but […]

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50 Shades of Self-publishing

Okay, so maybe there aren’t fifty shades, but I’ve yet to do a “50-shades of gray” take-off in a blog post so this seemed like a good time to play that card. The fact is […]

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Oh How the Times Have Changed

I spend a lot of time on author forums trying to Keep up with changes that are going on in publishing industry Do what I can to tell other writers what I have learned It’s […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis April 8, 2013

This is the sixth in the series and is from data as of 4/08/2013. Links to review previous data: 01/03/2013 01/24/2013 02/17/2013 03/03/2013 03/14/2013 As always this data comes from the   Amazon Kindle Epic Fantasy Bestseller […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis March 14, 2013

This is the fifth in the series and is from data as of 3/14/2013. Links to review previous data: 01/03/2013 01/24/2013 02/17/2013 03/03/2013   As always this data comes from the   Amazon Kindle Epic Fantasy […]

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Hybrid Authors: The Best of Both Worlds

I’ve been exclusively published through a small press. I’ve been exclusively self-published. I’ve been exclusively traditionally published. But I’m about to go “hybrid” and I think it offers the best of both worlds, and, like […]

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Three is a Magic Number

Yes, I’m old enough to remember “Schoolhouse Rock” and that ditty, along with “Conjunction Junction,” still is taking up storage space for reasons I’m not 100% sure of. But I agree with creator David McCall […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis March 3, 2013

This is the fourth in the series and is from data as of 3/03/2013. Links to review previous data: 01/03/2013 01/24/2013 02/17/2013   As always this data comes from the   Amazon Kindle Epic Fantasy Bestseller […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis Feb 17, 2013

This is the third in the series and is from data as of 2/17/2013. I’m revising the format that I provide this data, now I’m using table which should make things a bit more clear. […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis Jan 24, 2013

My intention is to do these analysis every 15 days or so.  This is the second in the series and is from data as of 1/24/2013. To review previous data (01/03/2013 you can click here). […]

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The Dangers of Ignoring the Ebook Revolution

On January 8th, the long awaited final edition in the Wheel of Times series was released in hardcover.  The ebook, however, was no where to be found, and won’t be available until April 9th. Hardcover […]

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Epic Fantasy Analysis Jan 3, 2013

November 2010 was a watershed moment with regards to the ebook revolution. That was the month I saw my sales go from a modest 1,000 per month (across 4 titles) to 10,000+ a month (across […]

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